Posted on 11/18/2020 3:05:29 AM PST by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
With the state and country’s COVID-19 surge worsening, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine on Tuesday said four new “targeted and strategic” state orders will begin Friday in an attempt to lower the number of new cases and prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed.
The four new orders are:
● Masks must be worn whenever a person is away from home. That includes outdoors if a person cannot be socially distant — 6 feet away — from other people. But the order applies in every situation indoors, whether a person can stay socially distant or not, and explicitly applies to “every indoor facility, including homes, retail establishments, gyms, doctors’ offices, public transportation, and anywhere food is prepared, packaged or served.”
● Anyone who is not a regular business commuter who is planning on coming into Pennsylvania must have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before entering the state, or the person must quarantine for 14 days before coming in. Anyone from Pennsylvania who leaves the state and plans to return must also get a negative COVID-19 test before returning, or quarantine for 14 days upon their return.
● Hospitals should prepare for a surge in COVID-19 cases and to move up elective procedures, and be prepared to suspend them if health care systems become strained.
● Colleges and universities should put in place — if they haven’t already — routine testing protocols for students returning after holiday breaks. They also are being asked to test every student at the beginning of each term and when returning to campus after a break.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Where the heck is PA’s legislature?!
I dunno, but Again I’m at ground zero, Staten Island in NYC, and I still don’t know anyone personally who has had this or at least had symptoms.
Staten Island’s numbers are high, I think, but they are Overwhelmingly in the obama sons and daughters areas.
Are ANY of you paying attention ?
I’m Upstate.
What I know:
NYS is counting repeat positives of the same patient as new cases.
No NYS lab that I’m aware of, state or private, is willing to reveal the cycle threshold for positivity being used.
More employers are requiring mandatory testing of employees.
All of this is being used to goose positivity rates.
I’ve been all over PA recently.
The state is a mess.
If the legislature doesn’t grow a pair, PA is screwed.
Real people do not want tommie the commie.
Many Freepers can’t wait to tell the rest of us “just wear the damned mask”
... and gloves
... and a face shield
... and to socially isolate
I'm too 'woke' for that insanity.
If I would not let you into my home, I'm not going to listen to your crazy rants.
Go to hell you damn freak.
Yesp, so God forbid biden takes office, he can be hailed as a hero after he destroys the country trying to lock it down
Trying...can’t imagine where he thinks that power came from
How do mandated employee tests gooses positivity?
BiteMe isn’t thinking.
He’s another sock puppet for Deep State.
And we know what it has in mind: the destruction of our republic.
Lockdowns would be just one of the ways Biden would destroy the country.
‘Real people do not want tommie the commie.’
what does Trump winning PA (highly unlikely, BTW) have to do with getting rid of Wolf...?
I had a checkup with my ortho surgeon yesterday. Just before I left, the nurse gave me documentation on how to log in to their telehealth app. She said the buzz is that they/we will be going in to lockdown — maybe soon. I don’t know if she meant all of TN, or just Knoxville, or the county.
She noticed my cross necklace and I guess she figured it was safe to talk. She went on a rant about how this current chaos is just more of the same old hoax, how masks are only for control because by the RATs, that she’s sickened that Christians and patriots are buying it, etc.
Depending on the test and/or the cycle threshold being used, they could be calling a lot of people positive who aren’t any longer or were positive with something else.
Also, mandatory testing ropes in the asymptomatic carriers. I’ve always had a problem with calling asymptomatics cases.
‘If the legislature doesn’t grow a pair, PA is screwed.’
PA is already screwed...aging population, skewed towards females, that is afraid of it own shadow and will accept with glee any new restrictions on movement and assembly...just today, my gym says can’t exercise without a diaper on your face, regardless of whatever distance you may keep, and they closed the pool; they will never get my business again...
This is getting old. Continued use of a false metric to keep the fear of overwhelmed hospitals alive.
The great state of Trannysylvania!
From out of his ass, apparently.
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