Posted on 11/01/2020 5:14:01 AM PST by Kid Shelleen
For many of the nearly 100 beauty supply stores in Philadelphia, it was another rough week.
From Monday to Wednesday, thieves and vandals broke into at least 17 stores, making off with merchandise and even store fixtures. The losses were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. ---SNIP--- Real estate agent Michael Choe, president of the Korean American Chamber of Commerce for Philadelphia, said some of his members were troubled when City Council adopted a bill this week that would forbid police from using tear gas and rubber bullets on demonstrators. He said these critics fear the law may lead some police to refrain as well from deploying such weapons against lawbreakers.
Police will decide to not engage with the looters," Choe said. That makes things a lot worse. The business owners may be put in jeopardy."
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Dems dont love Koreans. Heck, they dont love anybody. Jump on the Trump train, we welcome folks with open arms. Koreans For Trump. Just do it.
When Biden loses they won’t be able to reopen for weeks.
So now it’s Korean lives matter? This problem is not based upon any gender but black. And they even prey upon themselves by allowing criminal elements that have no race related to their peaceful protest, making them riots, and joining in the merriment of crime.
Using any race for crime is wrong. It doesn’t make any difference who the perpetrator or the victim is. We need to stop the lie of race and start the truth of crime. Then the police, which the victims are now beginning to understand are indispensable, are now underfunded.
These Korean Americans weren't.
Perhaps you can discern why?
In Africanized America, Korean lives don’t matter
Where there is BLM, there is no America
Very much doubt that people came to America to live under socialism and anarchy. Unfortunately it takes about a generation before the immigrants come to understand the true nature of the Democratic Party. Some never do.
It really is very sad. I hope they get some recompensation from Philadelphia and an apology from the City Council.
Then maybe they’ll vote more than 14 percent for Trump this time.
Maybe they woke up and like I said in a previous post, will vote more than 14 percent for Trump this time.
Makes no sense why any hard working group would vote dem.
Inner city blacks resent the Koreans for showing that hard work and sacrifice leads to success, even in the midst of urban squalor. It puts a lie to all the leftist, race baiting excuses the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons spout to justify black victimhood. They also resent successful black business people, which is why the BLM mobs have also trashed black-owned businesses. They are evil incarnate.
Maybe. Make Hope and change great again.
I am sorry they are suffering this. I hope they did/do their part to help change things by NOT voting democrat.
“The harder I work, the more privilege I seem to have.”
Amendment XIV was created after riots in New Orleans and Memphis in 1866.
Koreans in our country must be protected as it requires.
Minority groups are put upon by the white man...OOOps,I mean LAZY minority groups talk about having the white man’s boot on your neck...The hardworking minority people are successful....I guess the first rule is to get up before noon and no partying....
And Democrats relentlessly play the race card, scaring Asian immigrant communities into thinking if they travel five miles outside of their urban neighborhoods, white redneck Republicans are waiting to murder them. I can't tell you how many times I have heard versions of this from people who should know better - it is clearly a well-organized propaganda effort that the GOPe has traditionally done exactly nothing to counter.
The older folks thus think that the Democratic Party is helping them get a leg up in America, when almost the exact opposite is true.
That photo remains very progressive politician’s nightmare.
Great points.
I’ve told this story before but my pop told me way back that Italians didn’t start voting R until the 70s.
Now we Italians are as white as anybody else :)
But apparently dems played the ethnic card until the 60s when Italians finally figured out that dems offered them nothing and that they were just fine without them.
Also, coming from a socialist country, it’s hard for the first generation or two to completely let go, I think.
But those days are GONE. We vote BIG TIME Republican now.
Koreaans and all Asians need to wake up and let it go.
These riots may have indeed served a purpose in waking people up.
Oh, and it didn’t help that Kennedy snubbed Sinatra after he helped get out the vote for him :)
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