(Sorry! I saw your "mask strip-tease" comment scroll by, and it gave me a chuckle, and I felt a powerful urge to butt in to your conversation here.
Among all the other things, one of the most annoying things about wearing these masks in public is that you can never tell if the person in front of you in the other mask is smiling sweetly at you, or if they're glaring at you with icy, vitriolic hatred or anger.
Take it off! Take them all off!
Sorry -- I'll butt out now.
Mr. Buttinsky.)
Good evening, Mr Buttinsky...I feel the same way. LOL!
And you can’t smile at someone, or let someone know that you are a friend and not a foe. I hate them and wear them only if it is mandatory for the store.
And I am hearing impaired, so I can’t even read people’s lips!