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Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
Townhall ^ | August 29, 2020 | Bronson Stocking

Posted on 09/01/2020 10:33:01 AM PDT by yoe

Testing, testing, testing -- that's how Pelosi and the Democrats say we'll defeat the coronavirus. Meanwhile, President Trump and his administration are conducting "operation warp speed" at breakneck pace to develop therapeutics, diagnostics, and a vaccine for the Wuhan flu. Unlike testing, treatments will actually do something for you when you come down sick with the disease. But now we're learning the overwhelming majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus should really have been found negative after all.

According to (The New York Times), potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.

[snip] It helps to understand The Times' religious devotion to testing if one understands that Democrats have long-since committed to taking the polar opposite position of whatever President Trump believes. It's a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Trump is hopeful about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, then Democrats believe the drug will kill you. If Trump believes we should focus less on testing and more on treatments, Democrats and the media will insist we do nothing but testing and forget about treatments altogether.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: pandemic; testing
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1 posted on 09/01/2020 10:33:02 AM PDT by yoe
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To: yoe

There is no evidence for this speculation. But that never stops ideologues from printing it as fact.

Townhall, the gateway pundit of internet magazines.

2 posted on 09/01/2020 10:41:10 AM PDT by Okeydoker
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To: yoe

This was not an accident or an oversight.
It was by design.

Trump was schnookered. The task force either should have known, or did know but did not tell him.

3 posted on 09/01/2020 10:41:31 AM PDT by Buckeye McFrog (Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer.)
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To: yoe

I guess that means that 90% of the Deaths “with” COVID aren’t COVID deaths.

So this virus has killed, like, 18,000 people this year? It’s not even the flu, bro.

4 posted on 09/01/2020 10:42:12 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (If White Privilege is real, why did Elizabeth Warren lie about being an Indian?)
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To: ClearCase_guy

No, it is actually worse than that: Only 9800 deaths from COVID occurred in people who had no other diseases than the Wuhan flu itself.

5 posted on 09/01/2020 10:45:37 AM PDT by Robert A Cook PE ( I can only donate monthly, but the radical ABCNNBCBS does it every hour on their news.)
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To: yoe

OK! New rule here. ONE stinking virus bug and you are listed in the “infected” column. No surprise, I knew the whole thing was artificially inflated to get Trump.

6 posted on 09/01/2020 10:47:40 AM PDT by I want the USA back (There absolutely MUST be a debate:Trump vs gropey-joe)
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To: Robert A Cook PE

So if I shoot a man with diabetes, it’s not murder because no death has occurred? Or it just doesn’t count because he already had diabetes?

We’ve known since April that most of the people who die from this are people who have other underlying health conditions. Don’t know why it’s suddenly being treated as some bombshell news.

People who have diabetes, hypertension, etc. live for DECADES with those conditions. Everyone will eventually die from something. The point is that 180,000+ people in the US have died THIS YEAR because of COVID-19. The excess mortality figures show that much.

7 posted on 09/01/2020 10:49:05 AM PDT by 2aProtectsTheRest (The media is banging the fear drum enough. Don't help them do it.)
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To: 2aProtectsTheRest
The point is that 180,000+ people in the US have died THIS YEAR because of COVID-19. The excess mortality figures show that much.

And how long have you believed in unicorns?

8 posted on 09/01/2020 10:55:44 AM PDT by New Perspective (Proud father of a son with Down Syndrome and fighting to keep him off Obama's death panels.)
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To: yoe; All

Some of us have known since March that this “epidemic” was a hoax. Trump drank the Fauci Kool Aid, no one bothered to connect the dots re hospital compensation for Covid vs normal Medicare patients. The bogus counts have been obvious since day one. It never ceases to amaze me hope naive and stupid so many people are in this planet, including Trump in this case. Deep state Fauci needs to be waterboarded to admit who’s paying him. If it were up to me, I’d gag the little prick and throw him in Leavenworth solitary.

9 posted on 09/01/2020 10:59:57 AM PDT by Cobra64 (Common sense isnÂ’t common anymore.)
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To: New Perspective

Unicorn Bump!

hee hee hee

10 posted on 09/01/2020 11:01:50 AM PDT by Texas Fossil ((Texas is not where you were born, but a Free State of Heart, Mind & Attitude!))
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To: 2aProtectsTheRest

It isn’t shooting, it’s a bad flu.

If you shot everyone instead of infecting them with the Covid virus, you would have 40 million hospitalizations.

11 posted on 09/01/2020 11:04:08 AM PDT by cmj328 (We live here.)
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To: New Perspective

I have a general rule of thumb on FR when posts seem a bit troll-ish.

Wand over the poster’s name, and if they signed-up for the account anytime AFTER Trump took office, ignore everything they have to say.

12 posted on 09/01/2020 11:10:01 AM PDT by Buckeye McFrog (Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer.)
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To: New Perspective
Roughly as long as you've had your head in the sand.

Yes, it's real. Yes, people are dying. No, it's not the end of the world. No, it's not smallpox. It's a disease that's killing enough people to be taken seriously, exactly as President Trump has been doing. It's a disease that's worth beating with a vaccine, just as President Trump has been working to do. Once again, the president has the information available to make good, informed decisions and is showing his leadership ability in a time of crisis. If you want to know the truth of what's going on, look to President Trump.

13 posted on 09/01/2020 11:13:23 AM PDT by 2aProtectsTheRest (The media is banging the fear drum enough. Don't help them do it.)
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To: cmj328

Influenza kills an average of 37,000 people in a year. This has killed 180,000+ in 6 months. If it were a flu, it would be the second worst in US history behind the 1918 Spanish flu.

Not worth shutting down the economy or going crazy over, but certainly worth taking seriously and working to end it.

14 posted on 09/01/2020 11:16:50 AM PDT by 2aProtectsTheRest (The media is banging the fear drum enough. Don't help them do it.)
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To: 2aProtectsTheRest

Thank you for the graphs

15 posted on 09/01/2020 11:17:28 AM PDT by Robert A Cook PE ( I can only donate monthly, but the radical ABCNNBCBS does it every hour on their news.)
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To: cmj328
It isn’t shooting, it’s a bad flu.

Or a nasty chest cold, as Ann Barnhardt calls it ....

16 posted on 09/01/2020 11:18:32 AM PDT by AFB-XYZ
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To: Buckeye McFrog
Wand over the poster’s name, and if they signed-up for the account anytime AFTER Trump took office, ignore everything they have to say.

But what about folks like me, Buckeye? I signed up after Pres. Trump took office, and I'm most certainly not a troll. :-)

17 posted on 09/01/2020 11:20:23 AM PDT by AFB-XYZ
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To: yoe

I knew the little dictators would switch to “cases” as the metric. You could see the writing on the wall when they were screaming that Trump was not testing enough.

You do not test asymptomatic people, yet that is what we have done. Which in turn drove the “cases” up, which the little dictators use to keep their boots on our throats.

No locked down area is looking at deaths or hospitalizations anymore as a stat for reopening. It is all case driven, which will prove to be almost endless until nature takes its course. Which btw is being needlessly stretched out by “protective” measures.

18 posted on 09/01/2020 11:29:06 AM PDT by walkingdead (We are sacrificing America's youth on the altar of our own fear. And it is a travesty.)
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To: yoe
RE:”According to (The New York Times), potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.”

That is what they are calling the asymptomatic spreader

19 posted on 09/01/2020 11:34:19 AM PDT by sickoflibs (BREAKING NEWS: BLM cures COVID-19, it's safe to go out and protest Trump again.)
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To: Cobra64
"Deep state Fauci needs to be waterboarded to admit who’s paying him.">

Wouldn't you love to see his stock portfilio! Big Pharma......

20 posted on 09/01/2020 11:36:56 AM PDT by yoe
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