It begins.
I wish I could get the Raleigh militia going. Guess its too hot.
Ive often thought that a similar group is needed at Trump rallies. The rally attendees are totally defenseless because no weapons, not even mace, is allowed in the venue. Coming out and going to our cars we are particularly vulnerable. Big city police wont or arent allowed to get involved.
Will be infiltrated, undermined and taken apart by FBI Socialist Fellow Travelers within a month.
The black militias? Untouchable.
And when armed Americans stand up and don’t allow spoiled children to destroy their Republic, the brat will probably slink back to their mother’s basement and continue playing video games butthe hard core antifa troops will slink back into the shadows to rise up another day.
I’ve been predicting this for the past couple of months.
Not a hard prediction when the rule of law disappears and the cops are not allowed to protect us.
Nope...they aren't carrying "assault rifles".
Was the guardian this concerned over the nfac group??
Im really concerned about the anarchists/democrats attacking their own crowds. Snipers taking out a few peaceful terrorists and blame it on patriot groups. To cause a crackdown on patriot groups.
When blm shows up to shout, these militia leaders set up a booth 50 yds away and recruit. The weapons ratio of militia to basement gamers is about 1000 to 1.
I don’t know if the MSM is just plain stupid or naive or what?
They ‘act’ surprised when relating the last quarter economy was down.
They ‘act’ surprised when unemployment numbers rise.
They ‘act’ surprised when KKK (??or whatever) fliers are found.
When the ‘leaders’ of this BLM group say one of the main goals is to kill or maim Whitey just what do they expect a group called KKK or White Supremacists etc to do.
What a better time to recruit when ‘you’all’ are burning cities, threatening citizens etc etc etc
These African descendants should read their history and remember what happened to the 13% or so Minority that ran their countries for years and FINALLY the majority woke up and ousted the long term interlopers...and they were not ‘gentle’, offering not much of an option other than death.
From the article: “This already has a chilling effect on protests: organizers have begun cancelling protests out of fear of Utah Citizens Alarm coming.” Good job guys.
States with Anti-Militia Laws
Alabama. ALA. CODE s 31-2-125.
Arizona. ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. s 26-123.
Iowa. IOWA CODE s 29A.31.
Kansas. KAN. STAT. ANN. s 48-203.
Kentucky. KY. REV. STAT. ANN. s 38.440.
Maine. ME. REV. STAT. ANN. tit. 37-B, s 342.2.
Maryland. MD. CODE ANN. art. 65, s 35.
Massachusetts. MASS. GEN. L. ch. 33, s 129-132.
Minnesota. MINN. STAT. s 624.61.
Mississippi. MISS. CODE ANN. $ 33-1-31.
Nevada. NEV. REV. STAT. s 203-080.
New Hampshire. N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. s 111:15.
North Dakota. N.D. CENT. CODE s 37-01-21.
Texas. TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. s 431.010.
Washington. WASH. REV. CODE s 38.40.120.
West Virginia. W. VA. CODE s 15-1F-7.
Wyoming. WYO. STAT. s 19-1-106.
States with Anti-Paramilitary Training Laws
Arkansas. ARK. CODE s 5-71-301 to -303.
California. CAL. PENAL CODE s 11460.
Colorado. COLO. REV. STAT. s 18-9-120.
Connecticut. CONN. GEN. STAT. s 53-206b.
Louisiana. LA. REV. STAT. ANN. s 117.1.
Michigan. MICH. COMP. LAWS s 750.528a.
Missouri. MO. REV. STAT. s 574.070.
Montana. MONT. CODE ANN. s 45-8-109.
Nebraska. NEB. REV. STAT. s 28-1480 to -1482.
New Jersey. N.J. REV. STAT. s 2C:39-14.
New Mexico. N.M. STAT. ANN. s 30-20A-1 to -4.
Oklahoma. OKLA. STAT. ANN. tit. 21, s 1321.10.
Oregon. OR. REV. STAT. s 166.660.
Pennsylvania. 18 PA. CONS. STAT. s 5515.
South Carolina. S.C. CODE ANN. s 16-8-10 to -30.
Tennessee. TENN. CODE ANN. s 39-17-314.
Virginia. VA. CODE ANN. s 18.2-433.1 to -433.3.
I’m too old to march around in fatigues, but I would give monetary support to such an effort. It’s time to prepare to defend ourselves.
Why is George $oro$ STILL alive? We thought Abu Baker al-Baghdadi was a threat.
I friend lives down in McAllen TX, which is about 95% hispanic. He says some out-of-town BLM protestors showed in the local large mall area. Hispanics seem to be more proud of their businesses and less wiling to put up with BS. The cops had to protect the BLM protestors from the locals. One guy even attacked the BLM with a chain saw.
Thats how you do it.
Good! There’s at least one big militia group in Idaho as well, right?