Posted on 07/17/2020 2:03:23 PM PDT by Presbyterian Reporter
A Reuters photograph of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnanys vast briefing binder offered a peek behind the curtain of the Trump administrations messaging priorities.
Taken from the side of the White House briefing room podium, the photograph catches McEnany opening the book, exposing dozens of alphabetized tabs with short category names. During her tenure, McEnany has developed a reputation for flipping open her briefing book after a particularly confrontational question and reading verbatim from pre-written responses, which often included canned attacks on the press or praise from allies.
In the photo taken at Thursdays White House briefing, McEnanys tabs include a number evergreen topics, but several recent ones as well. Covid and Test as well as PPE, Masks, CDC, and Cases suggest a healthy amount of prepared remarks on the raging pandemic. But also included in the binder were more ephemeral topics, like Goya about the controversy over the Trump-led counter-backlash to a liberal boycott of the food company, Mary which, presumably, refers to the presidents niece and her damning tell-all book, and Hogan, which likely alluded to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogans scathing Washington Post essay condemning Trumps pandemic response. Also included were notable files on former President Barack Obama, as well as subjects used to frequently criticize Trump like Golf, Russia, Hate, and a misspelled Meuller.
But many of the tabs spoke to this White Houses favorite boogeymen, with categories such as Media, Lies, China, BLM, Privil suggesting white privilege, and one simply labeled Absurd. Statues was also included as was LGBT. Notably, one tab was labeled Karl, which might be an oppo brief against ABC News White House correspondent Jon Karl, who has frequently clashed with Trump at press conferences.
Finally, in what appeared to be the last tab, at the bottom of the book, was one labeled Wins.
If the low life media came as prepared to these press conferences as Kayleigh, there might actually be a benefit of having them present.
She came prepared!
Holy Crap! The woman is organized!
That is what must have the media confused.
If she answered a question with one word differently than before, she would be hauled off as a liar.
I’ve been impressed with that notebook that she seems to have tabbed.
If she and her staff weren’t this prepared, the press
would have ripped her to shreds already.
Go K!
Omygosh! If Woodward and Bernstein were alive today they’d be turning over in their graves!
Mediaite hates America— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 17, 2020
Fantastic,this lady has her act together.
She is going a long way!
So what??!! She has to have those because that’s all the loser media asks about. ‘Why does trump hate..where are all the gays in the White House....why did Ivanka promote the bean company....’
I wish she would let her fingernails grow just a bit longer...
She knows what stupid questions they are going to ask. They are as predictable as the tides.
I want a Kayleigh calendar for 2021.
“[the binder] offered a peek behind the curtain of the Trump administrations messaging priorities.”
They got it wrong. The binders offers a peek at the MSM’s messaging priorities. The Whitehouse is expecting gotcha questions on those subjects.
Sheesh. These people sure are easy to covfefe.
I glad she comes prepared to do battle. How many times have we seen press secretaries blindsided and left looking like a deer in the headlights or left stammering out an incoherent response?
“””She knows what stupid questions they are going to ask”””
So true. She should have a tab labeled: ANSWERS TO STUPID QUESTIONS THEY WILL ASK TODAY
Uhhhhh, what did they THINK was in the binder? Hillary’s favorite cookie recipes?
You see these nitwits don’t have to be right. When they belch out a lie or even make a mistake nothing is even said about it. But let a Republican make a mis-statement and BANG! They are so childish.
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