Posted on 06/30/2020 8:57:38 AM PDT by Red Badger
The ruling was against the Soros-backed Alliance for Open Society International.
The Supreme Court issued a ruling on Monday making it clear that a major front of progressive billionaire oligarch George Soros does not have 1st Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution.
In the case of Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito, and John Roberts ruled against 1st Amendment right for the Soros front. Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented against the majority while Justice Elena Kagan did not take part in the case.
The Alliance for Open Society International hoped to soak up federal funds earmarked to stop HIV/AIDS throughout the world. However, they hit a snag due to an act of Congress banning any group that supports prostitution from taking these funds. The pro-hooker leftist group attempted to sue to get around that act of Congress, but were rebuked by the conservative majority. Kavanaugh wrote the majority opinion for the case.
We appreciate that plaintiffs would prefer to affiliate with foreign organizations that do not oppose prostitution, Kavanaugh wrote. But Congress required foreign organizations to oppose prostitution in return for American funding. And plaintiffs cannot export their own First Amendment rights to shield foreign organizations from Congresss funding conditions.
Those foreign organizations are legally separate from the American organizations. And because foreign organizations operating abroad do not possess constitutional rights, those foreign organizations do not have a First Amendment right to disregard the Policy Requirement, he continued.
In sum, plaintiffs foreign affiliates are foreign organizations, and foreign organizations operating abroad possess no rights under the U. S. Constitution, Kavanaugh concluded.
Justice Thomas wrote a concurrence to Kavanaughs opinion in favor of the ruling as well. He went even further than Kavanaugh in supporting Congress prohibition on issuing HIV relief funds to organizations that support prostitution.
The Policy Requirement does not violate the First Amendment, regardless of whether it is applied to respondents, respondents legally distinct foreign affiliates, or any other organization, foreign or domestic, Thomas wrote.
The Soros network is unhappy about the ruling and the fact that they will be denied the federal funds because of their international support for the flesh trade.
The Supreme Court upheld the U.S. governments quest to impose its harmful ideological agenda on U.S. organizations and restrict their right to free speech, said Patrick Gaspard, president of the Open Society Foundations.
The Anti-Prostitution Pledge compromises the fight against HIV by impeding and stigmatizing efforts to deliver health services. Condemnation of marginalized groups is not a public health strategy, Gaspard added.
Regardless of their whining, the decision is final. The ruling could have the cascading effect of denying foreign Soros-backed operations any constitutional protections in terms of their alleged support for terror groups such as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA as well.
“The ruling could have the cascading effect of denying foreign Soros-backed operations any constitutional protections in terms of their alleged support for terror groups such as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA as well.”
Seems like the author completely misread this judgement. The justices didn’t rule that the Soros group lacked 1st Amendment protections, only that those protections could not be extended to other foreign organizations that they were going to funnel the money to.
Kavanaugh: "But Congress required foreign organizations to oppose prostitution in return for American funding [??? emphasis added]."
FR: Never Accept the Premise of Your Opponents Argument
Evidently even conservative judges are getting indoctrinated in post-FDR era law schools.
More specifically, Justice Joseph Story had indicated indicated the states have never given Congress the express constitutional power to tax and spend for foreign aid.
If the tax be not proposed for the common defence, or general welfare, but for other objects, wholly extraneous, (as for instance, for propagating Mahometanism among the Turks, or giving aids and subsidies to a foreign nation, to build palaces for its kings, or erect monuments to its heroes,) it would be wholly indefensible upon constitutional principles [emphases added]. Justice Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 2
From the accepted doctrine that the United States is a government of delegated powers, it follows that those not expressly granted, or reasonably to be implied from such as are conferred, are reserved to the states, or to the people. To forestall any suggestion to the contrary, the Tenth Amendment was adopted. The same proposition, otherwise stated, is that powers not granted are prohibited [emphasis added]. United States v. Butler, 1936.
Insights welcome.
Send "Orange Man Bad" federal and state government Democrats and RINOs home in November!
Supporting PDJT with new patriot federal and state government leaders that will promise to fully support his already excellent work for MAGA and stopping SARS-CoV-2 will effectively give fast-working Trump a "third term" in office imo.
That's why they keep looking in that penumbra................
It’s only funny because it may be true.
“Seems like the author completely misread this judgement. The justices didnt rule that the Soros group lacked 1st Amendment protections, only that those protections could not be extended to other foreign organizations that they were going to funnel the money to.”
That’s the way I see it too. The American Soros funded traitor organizations are still American so they’re not affected by this ruling, and Soros himself is an American citizen. This ruling does nothing to them.
Just another piling on action against President Tump, and us. I never ends...never will.
Is the penumbra that you mention anything like Rod Serling's Twilight Zone? /sarc
A previous generation of honest Supreme Court justices had warned us about penumbras.
"The Constitution was written to be understood by the voters; its words and phrases were used in their normal and ordinary, as distinguished from technical, meaning; where the intention is clear, there is no room for construction and no excuse for interpolation or addition [emphasis added]." United States v. Sprague, 1931.
"Beware of English-to-English translations of the Constitution!" me
Send "Orange Man Bad" federal and state government Democrats and RINOs home in November!
Supporting PDJT with new patriot federal and state government leaders that will promise to fully support his already excellent work for MAGA and stopping SARS-CoV-2 will effectively give fast-working Trump a "third term" in office imo.
Oh, I dunno; wasn't he a Nazi collaborator in his (Hitler) youth?
When Glenn Beck had his own show on Fox, he did two days of just George Soros and all of the tentacles that reach out from his organizations. It is hard to trace the money back to him, because he launders it through so many "charities". Mostly leftist political orgs that he funds, posing as "charities". Kind of like how the Clinton "Foundation" is a "charity", whose only beneficiaries seem to be the Clintons.
Why cant a RICO case be filed agoinst Soros?
Boy I sure do hope that little bitch Breyer, got his ass kicked every day while in school.
Thanks Red Badger. This won't be so much of a problem after that sonderkommando is finally blasted into Hell where he belongs.
Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented against the majority while Justice Elena Kagan did not take part in the case. The Alliance for Open Society International hoped to soak up federal funds earmarked to stop HIV/AIDS throughout the world... The pro-hooker leftist group attempted to sue to get around that act of Congress, but were rebuked by the conservative majority.
IOW, Breyer, Sotomayor and Ginsburg are unfit for the bench.
four =three
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