Posted on 06/08/2020 10:01:15 AM PDT by rktman
The new talking point coming from George Floyd protestors is that they want to see cities "defund the police." In fact, Denver Public Schools is set to vote on removing all Denver Police Department officers from its campuses, a move officials say will end the "school to prison pipeline."
Conservatives have questioned the movement. After all, "defund the police" implies abolishing law enforcement agencies all together.
John Legend took to Twitter to say that the call is to pull some funding from police departments and reallocate the funds to other necessary resources, like "social work, health care, conflict resolution, [and] drug treatment."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
John Legend and wife are both TDS-infected Barack Obama acolytes.
This looney liberal was part of the “Yes We Can” crap cult behavior. I didn’t know who he was then.
The celebrity millionaires who all live behind private gates and armed guards have the nerve to talk about abolishing police..gee Johnny, will YOU get rid of your armed guards, just asking
Citizen: “I was robbed!”
First Responder: “And how does that make you feel?”
Submit in triplicate and we will assign someone to look into it. Thanks for using your city safety council.
Right. The po pop can do that thankless job for nothing.
In some way, I am morbidly curious to see the result of defunding police. As a small-government conservative, I believe police should absolutely be local, and representative of the community.
BUT I KNOW with the Left, this is not their true intent. First of all, there will never be NO police. Something will fill the vacuum, whether its their local brownshirts, Ellison/Omars shariah street-force, or something else they control.
Secondly, this movement has been progressing apace since Obamas DOJ helped establish #BLM, and incited riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and Oakland, and moved to increase federal control over the thousands of independent police and sheriffs Departments.
So we know this is a Leftist power grab. The local communities will suffer - that is for sure. But that does not matter, and their stories will never be heard.
The magic of a federal system is that it enables individual states to experiment and operate as test cases. People who have different ideas about how to do things can implement those things, as long as the state’s voters approve and it’s consistent with the US Constitution. Things that succeed might be adopted elsewhere, and things that fail can be avoided and/or abandoned.
Of course, for this to work, the states need to know that they operate without a net. The Federal government (i.e., the other states) won’t be sending their money to save you from your own foolishness.
And the Statists’ constant cries to have uniform ways of doing things in all states is really a call to abolish federalism.
RE: John Legend Explains How ‘Defund the Police’ Doesn’t Equate to Abolishing Law Enforcement
Of course, he doesn’t want to totally defund it, he just wants to minimize police presence.
In other words,we used to have a lot of cops patrolling the streets, now, no more patrols.
The message along the lines of: we'll let you indulge in your inane fantasy, but when it goes south, no one is coming to save you from your own stupidity.
In other words they don’t mean what they say. Color me unimpressed...
>> John Legend explains...
Very popular celebrity — and many that are invested in his charm will unfortunately adjust their common sense to fit the Marxist narrative.
We already had an experiment with reduced police presence when they stand and watch buildings being torched.
Epstein’s friend.
So, Law Enforcement is supposed to work for free?
Unless you lefty woketards mean Antifa will be your new death squads. Maybe you mean the looters will take over and can keep the spoils as their pay? You know. Just like the third world crapholes like Venezuela you leftards admire.
Denver Public Schools are nuts. There were no police at schools until 1968. They starting posting them at schools because drop outs and gang members started showing up at other schools and beating people, stealing stuff, and trashing what they couldnt steal
Itll happen again
He’s a Fn idiot
Well it sure didn’t take long for some pullback on their absolute stupidity
And some racist POS “entertainer” like “Legend” is their spokeswoman? LOL
Whatta disaster these fools are They will all burn in hell
“Of course, he doesnt want to totally defund it, he just wants to minimize police presence.”
If the police were defunded, there would be no guys with guns to do the hard work of enforcing laws passed by left-wing democrats. Who would shut down businesses that don’t toe the line? Who would arrest landlords for evicting folks who don’t pay their rent?
That’s not actually what the BLM, Sunrise Movement, Antifa, etc., stated goals are. They say they want to abolish all police departmnents.
But yeah, the partial defunding while shifting funds elsewhere is what the Dem mayor and govs are going for now. To satisfy and reward their rioters, knowing that legislatures will hand over more funds to sustain the police departments?
Now, if they were to abolish police unions that give too-strong protections to cops and have got them too well paid, especially with pension and retirement healthcare benefits, relative to their talents and their “underlings” would be another story. But the left never goes against unions. Even conservative ones.
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