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To: USFRIENDINVICTORIA; Flick Lives; DoughtyOne; thecodont; jz638; dynoman; Mom MD; gibsonguy; ...
First, a full and proper examination of the US and SE cumulative Coronavirus fatality (case numers are too susceptible to testing differences; funny business can also arise with fatalities but dead is dead) times series would help. Apologies for any repetition for those who've seen this previously.

Below find that data - I also included data for other select countries and most states: I standardized each Country's cumulative COVID-19 fatality count per GitHub by its population, then multiply the resulting quotient by the US' population of 329MM to put everyone on a common/US scale. I then index each Country's time-series to Day 1, where their size-adjusted fatality count is right before it breaches 1,000 people. This corrects for what I call the "Golf Problem" where broadcasts of the Masters etc have to show not only each golfer's score, but which hole they're at. I also list the Day 1 date and the population for reference, i.e., Sweden has finished the 56th hole while the US is still on the 54th hole, but we can compare their 'scores' as of the 54th hole.

In short, Sweden's cumulative size-adjusted fatality total has consistently exceeded the US' total by 20%+ since around Day 32 (April 24 for the US, April 26th for Sweden). Thus, they haven't exactly been 'successful' in terms of virus fatalities vs the US. However, they're not as bad as Belgium, Italy, France, Spain, the UK.

SE's size- and time-adjusted fatalities are lower than all the States that are higher than the US total. In truth, you need to adjust Stockholm out of SE's total when doing a State comparison to be apples-to-apples; for those following at home, Stockholm's fatality count of 1,845 on May 17 across 972,647 citizens on a size-adjusted basis with the US is 625,149 fatalities which is higher than anyting in this post; non-Stockholm SE size-adjusted fatalities would be 64,568 which is not apples-to-apples comparable to the US but is there for reference.

Furthermore, Sweden has NOT been a conservative dream in terms of OVERALL approach. Yes, we like the open businesses and open schools. But when you read things like

"We are putting decisions in the hands of those who know better"

it's a sober reminder that all that good stuff comes with Greta Thunberg-like environmentalis that just happily shut down its last coal-fired power plant two years ahead of schedule.

Yes, their businesses stayed open but they're not immune to recession: Sweden is forecasting high UMP and declining GDP just like the US. The Forbes article said SE's economic damage could be on par with that of the US (personally I don't think they'll crater as badly as we do in the first half of 2020; latter part of 2020 is a crap shoot as is 2021).

What seems to be missed on people, is Sweden got to this happy place because they TRUST their government to tell them the right thing to do. Their govt made these decisions based on "science." This is the same country in which their "science" that just happily shut its last coal-fired power plant.

And when their "science" promotes contact tracing, or if in the fall it calls for a shutdown, they'll be all-in.

It may be great to take Sweden's approach - and for the record lest I be confused as a 'no freedom till vaccine' nutjob, I wish the US had followed SE's more reasonable, business-friendly and age-based approach to school closures - but SE's positives cannot be disentangled from their faith in authority. I don't like shutdowns and we need to open up businesses NOW in the US. But Sweden's virus approach is siren song emanating from a collectivist, authority bias rocky coastline. Some alleged conservatives want to gloss over that coastline, and in doing so they wind up being as consistent as the ACLU is on the Second Amendment.

I'll stay in America and take my chances; McEnroe turned out to be less of a mess than Borg in the long run.

Country Sweden United States
Day 1 Date 3/23/20 3/25/20
Population 10,333,456 329,556,365 Sweden - US % excess SE vs US
Day 56 117,331 - - -
Day 55 117,172 - - -
Day 54 116,279 89,562 26,717 29.8%
Day 53 112,547 88,754 23,793 26.8%
Day 52 110,347 87,530 22,817 26.1%
Day 51 105,659 85,898 19,761 23.0%
Day 50 103,841 84,119 19,722 23.4%
Day 49 102,852 82,376 20,476 24.9%
Day 48 102,693 80,682 22,011 27.3%
Day 47 101,258 79,526 21,732 27.3%
Day 46 96,952 78,795 18,157 23.0%
Day 45 93,795 77,180 16,615 21.5%
Day 44 91,020 75,662 15,358 20.3%
Day 43 88,309 73,431 14,878 20.3%
Day 42 85,439 71,064 14,375 20.2%
Day 41 85,120 68,922 16,198 23.5%
Day 40 84,610 67,682 16,928 25.0%
Day 39 82,473 66,369 16,104 24.3%
Day 38 78,519 64,943 13,576 20.9%
Day 37 75,106 62,996 12,110 19.2%
Day 36 72,523 60,967 11,556 19.0%
Day 35 69,971 58,355 11,616 19.9%
Day 34 69,908 56,259 13,649 24.3%
Day 33 68,632 54,881 13,751 25.1%
Day 32 64,454 53,755 10,699 19.9%
Day 31 61,775 51,949 9,826 18.9%
Day 30 56,290 49,954 6,336 12.7%
Day 29 50,390 46,622 3,768 8.1%
Day 28 49,114 44,444 4,670 10.5%
Day 27 48,189 42,094 6,095 14.5%
Day 26 44,649 40,661 3,988 9.8%
Day 25 42,512 38,664 3,848 10.0%
Day 24 38,366 36,773 1,593 4.3%
Day 23 32,945 32,916 29 0.1%
Day 22 29,309 28,325 984 3.5%
Day 21 28,671 25,831 2,840 11.0%
Day 20 28,288 23,528 4,760 20.2%
Day 19 27,746 22,019 5,727 26.0%
Day 18 25,290 20,462 4,828 23.6%
Day 17 21,910 18,586 3,324 17.9%
Day 16 18,848 16,478 2,370 14.4%
Day 15 15,213 14,695 518 3.5%
Day 14 12,789 12,722 67 0.5%
Day 13 11,896 10,783 1,113 10.3%
Day 12 11,417 9,619 1,798 18.7%
Day 11 9,823 8,407 1,416 16.8%
Day 10 7,622 7,087 535 7.6%
Day 9 5,741 5,926 (185) -3.1%
Day 8 4,656 4,757 (101) -2.1%
Day 7 3,508 3,873 (365) -9.4%
Day 6 3,349 2,978 371 12.4%
Day 5 3,349 2,467 882 35.7%
Day 4 2,456 2,026 430 21.2%
Day 3 1,977 1,581 396 25.1%
Day 2 1,148 1,209 (61) -5.0%
Day 1 797 942 (145) -15.4%

Note for the US as nation, that Day 1 is March 25, which means Day 54 is May 17 for that row of data. You can do the math for the other municipalities to find out what Day XX means for them in calendar times; as a general rule, the last actual data point is the freshest date, but on a Golf timeline it gives each municipality's score as of the "48th hole."

The sort order is Day 54 for the international table. For the states' data, I sort by Day 47 which generally keeps the relative ranking steady for later days, most notably for the states with higher than national fatality totals.

Country Date of Day 1=day priot to hitting 1,000+ population-adjusted deaths Population Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 Day 50 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55 Day 56
San Marino 3/3/20 33,574 382,817 382,817 382,817 392,633 392,633 392,633 392,633 392,633 402,449 402,449
Belgium 3/19/20 11,524,454 226,597 229,228 238,464 240,638 243,669 245,385 247,529 248,988 250,532 252,877
Andorra 3/21/20 77,543 195,499 199,749 199,749 203,999 203,999 203,999 203,999 208,249 208,249 208,249
Spain 3/13/20 47,100,396 166,680 169,850 171,725 171,725 175,622 176,769 177,917 179,211 180,919 182,409
United Kingdom 3/20/20 66,435,550 146,341 149,560 152,234 155,344 157,061 158,390 159,437 162,552 165,007 167,136
Italy 3/5/20 60,243,406 131,914 134,835 137,225 139,764 142,061 144,331 145,754 147,575 149,665 151,432
France 3/18/20 67,076,000 122,338 123,832 125,468 126,819 127,694 128,887 129,280 129,624 130,917 132,626
Sweden 3/23/20 10,333,456 101,258 102,693 102,852 103,841 105,659 110,347 112,547 116,279 117,172 117,331
Ireland 3/25/20 4,921,500 97,631 98,234 99,640 100,243 100,846 101,649 102,654 103,323 - -
Netherlands 3/17/20 17,451,031 94,480 95,783 96,274 97,917 98,597 100,202 101,543 102,751 103,091 103,393
United States 3/25/20 329,556,365 79,526 80,682 82,376 84,119 85,898 87,530 88,754 89,562 - -
Switzerland 3/16/20 8,586,550 67,319 67,626 67,626 68,471 68,893 69,277 69,469 69,968 70,236 70,352
Luxembourg 3/17/20 613,894 49,388 51,536 51,536 51,536 52,609 53,683 53,683 54,220 54,220 54,220
Macedonia 3/24/20 679,600 44,128 44,128 44,128 44,613 46,068 46,068 47,038 47,523 48,978 -
Portugal 3/23/20 10,276,617 35,724 36,109 36,398 36,686 37,296 37,681 37,969 38,162 38,578 39,060
Germany 3/25/20 83,149,300 29,999 30,364 30,669 31,157 31,248 31,299 31,462 31,557 - -
Denmark 3/22/20 5,822,763 29,091 29,544 29,771 29,940 30,167 29,827 30,167 30,393 30,393 30,733
Iran 3/9/20 83,331,064 22,044 22,345 22,582 22,961 23,242 23,559 23,839 24,089 24,346 24,532
Austria 3/23/20 8,902,600 22,729 22,766 22,877 22,951 23,062 23,099 23,173 23,247 23,284 23,284
Iceland 3/23/20 364,260 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047 9,047
Canada 4/1/20 37,979,093 51,222 - - - - - - - - -
Israel 4/1/20 9,180,000 9,765 - - - - - - - - -

Municipality Date of Day 1 = day prior to breaching size-adj 1,000 COVID19 fatalities Population Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 Day 50 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55 Day 56
New York 43,909 19,795,791 412,666 416,661 432,110 436,272 438,803 442,565 446,128 449,541 454,185 456,949
New Jersey 43,913 8,958,013 329,335 335,369 340,482 342,506 349,790 356,927 365,903 372,967 377,050 380,987
Connecticut 43,913 3,590,886 263,764 269,087 272,299 276,062 279,090 286,799 295,426 301,483 306,439 312,772
Massachusetts 43,915 6,794,422 241,501 247,758 249,359 257,799 265,899 271,234 276,715 281,177 - -
District of Columbia 43,914 672,228 152,466 158,349 160,800 164,722 171,586 175,508 180,410 183,842 187,764 -
Michigan 43,914 9,922,576 150,321 151,151 152,247 155,237 156,565 158,990 160,252 162,078 162,444 -
Rhode Island 43,919 1,056,298 146,012 149,444 152,564 155,684 - - - - - -
Louisiana 43,910 4,670,724 144,079 147,748 150,641 151,982 154,804 156,145 158,191 160,943 163,341 165,882
Maryland 43,921 6,006,401 107,376 109,296 - - - - - - - -
Pennsylvania 43,918 12,802,503 105,643 110,637 114,087 115,580 115,940 - - - - -
Illinois 43,917 12,859,995 92,691 97,765 101,096 104,428 106,324 107,580 - - - -
Delaware 43,917 945,934 82,569 86,053 90,582 94,414 99,640 101,034 - - - -
United States 43,915 329,556,365 79,526 80,682 82,376 84,119 85,898 87,530 88,754 89,562 - -
Indiana 43,916 6,619,680 76,668 78,560 80,601 81,945 84,185 86,675 87,172 - - -
Colorado 43,914 5,456,574 58,282 58,524 59,551 60,940 64,141 65,892 69,456 71,992 73,381 -
Mississippi 43,917 2,992,333 50,331 51,212 52,864 54,296 56,168 57,380 - - - -
Georgia 43,913 10,214,860 44,458 44,522 44,619 45,813 47,426 48,200 49,071 50,426 50,749 51,104
Ohio 43,919 11,614,373 43,527 44,861 45,684 46,109 - - - - - -
New Hampshire 43,922 1,330,608 42,600 - - - - - - - - -
Minnesota 43,921 5,489,594 42,563 43,884 - - - - - - - -
New Mexico 43,922 2,085,109 41,884 - - - - - - - - -
Virginia 43,919 8,382,993 37,543 38,408 39,391 39,666 - - - - - -
Iowa 43,922 3,123,899 37,029 - - - - - - - - -
Nevada 43,914 2,890,845 34,884 34,884 35,568 36,594 37,734 38,646 39,330 39,786 39,900 -
Washington 43,898 7,170,351 32,954 33,597 34,149 34,792 35,436 36,401 36,999 37,780 38,102 38,285
Alabama 43,921 4,858,979 32,895 33,098 - - - - - - - -
Missouri 43,922 6,083,672 32,665 - - - - - - - - -
Arizona 43,920 6,828,065 31,420 32,772 32,820 - - - - - - -
Florida 43,919 20,271,272 30,466 31,149 31,913 32,059 - - - - - -
Vermont 43,908 626,042 27,373 27,373 27,373 27,373 27,900 27,900 27,900 27,900 27,900 27,900
Kentucky 43,920 4,425,092 25,545 25,768 25,768 - - - - - - -
Wisconsin 43,919 5,771,337 24,782 25,411 25,867 25,867 - - - - - -
California 43,917 39,144,818 24,432 25,375 25,585 26,873 27,395 27,698 - - - -
South Carolina 43,917 4,896,146 23,895 24,366 24,972 25,578 25,578 25,914 - - - -
Oklahoma 43,917 3,911,338 23,423 23,423 23,929 24,013 24,266 24,266 - - - -
Nebraska 43,922 1896190 22,420 - - - - - - - - -
Kansas 43,919 2,911,641 20,487 21,166 21,392 21,392 - - - - - -
North Dakota 43,919 756,927 17,415 18,286 18,286 18,722 - - - - - -
Maine 43,920 1,329,328 17,106 17,354 17,354 - - - - - - -
Tennessee 43,921 6,600,299 14,580 14,630 - - - - - - - -
Idaho 43,918 1,654,930 13,740 14,338 14,537 14,537 14,537 - - - - -
Puerto Rico 43,922 3,680,058 11,015 - - - - - - - - -
Arkansas 43,921 2,978,204 10,844 10,844 - - - - - - - -
Oregon 43,917 4,028,977 10,634 10,961 11,206 11,206 11,206 11,206 - - - -
Montana 43,919 1,032,949 5,105 5,105 5,105 5,105 - - - - - -

106 posted on 05/18/2020 7:40:11 PM PDT by DoodleBob (Gravity's waiting period is about 9.8 m/s^2)
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To: DoodleBob

Take me off your ping list, thanks.

107 posted on 05/18/2020 8:39:25 PM PDT by dynoman (Objectivity is the essence of intelligence. - Marilyn vos Savant)
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To: DoodleBob

I don’t have a problem with Sweden at all.

It’s neighbors do have lower numbers, but when you expand
outward, Sweden remains very competitive.

They are not destroying their economy, and the way things
are going, their economy may be bigger than our by the time
our leaders wake the hell up. (yes, exaggerating, but still...)

We can only hide so long before there is nothing left to
open up to.

108 posted on 05/18/2020 8:43:48 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (Some of the folks around these parts have been sniffing super flu.)
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To: DoodleBob

Cant read all the chart data

109 posted on 05/18/2020 9:47:38 PM PDT by silverleaf (President Trump: Do not trust China. China is asshoe!)
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