Posted on 04/13/2020 6:48:05 PM PDT by robowombat
#TakeEmDown Comes to Yankeetown
By Lola Sanchez on Mar 27, 2020
From Dylann Roof to Harvey Weinstein
Many of us predicted it. The war on American monuments and memorials wouldnt stop with just stop with Confederate ones. It wasnt hard to figure out, but the answer was always, yeah, but theyre not going after Northern civil war monuments.
And of course we said, what about the 54th MA Infantry monument which was vandalized in Boston with the usual red paint, and an extra touch of the breakage of the white officers sword on the bronze relief monument.
And their response was always yeah, but that was blacks. And we thought that makes no sense, are you a racist?
But NOW, were getting onto the track that led to a slippery slope in Florida resulting in the removal of 4 of the states most historic and most prominent Southern veterans memorials, two of which were in HISTORIC DISTRICTS.
What is happening, now? you may ask? The State of New Jersey is considering removing one of its two honorees in Statuary Hall in the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Which one? Another old white guy Gen. Philip Kearney, Jr., a Federal general who died at the 2nd Battle of Manassas.
Kearney, a native son of New York, was also a veteran of the Mexican War, like many of his contemporaries in the US and Confederate armed forces. He moved to New Jersey with his paramour to avoid social shunning from society after his wife would not give him a divorce. Later, during the War he commanded the First New Jersey Brigade.
The sponsor of the legislation, a democrat Assemblywoman, Carol Murphy says A woman needs to represent New Jersey and has proposed Alice Paul, a suffragette. Well, at least she was actually born in New Jersey.
However, the Democratic Mayor of Kearney, NJ, Al Santos, is opposed to the plan. News reports state that he is stunned by the proposed statue swap. Santos said he worries about the implications of state lawmakers appearing to favor one historical figure over another. Uh, yeah! We get that, for sure! The contrast here is obvious. An old white guy, who though he is extolled (unjustifiably, of course) for dying to end slavery vs. a feminist.
Santos goes on Is someone who fought for the Union and preserving the Union less important than someone who fought for womens rights? That kind of pitting one kind of historical figure against one another winds up pitting groups against one another. And I dont think thats the way history should be treated.
Of course, neither do we were true.
One delicious aspect of this is the ironic disagreement between members of the #takeemdown party in Yankeetown (most of the cities that have removed Confederate Monuments have been ruled by Democrats). One that doesnt like his ox being gored, and one that is perfectly willing to gore a compatriots ox!
But perhaps the most delectable bit is being able to shout see I told you so even louder than before. After all, we, in Florida, have seen this movie before.
Dylann Roof shoots up a Church. The mainstream media and the Southern Poverty Law Center decided the Southern Cross made him do it. Next thing we know Debbie Wasserman Schultz and co. are demanding that a Florida native the highest ranking military man from Florida has to be taken down as one of Floridas two Statuary Hall honorees. The weak- kneed Republicans who controlled Florida caved in for fear of being called racist. After that Florida experiences a hurricane of hate and an avalanche of eracism. The Senate Seal, and Robert E. Lee School, monuments hither thither and yon.
Who was Smith, a native Floridian and career military man with an impeccable personal and professional record to be switched out for? A black female who was from South Carolina: Mary Todd Bethune.
What two events happened in February 2020? Harvey Weinstein was found guilty on two charges of rape and Ms. Murphy filed her bill.
It seems like #takeemdown movement has collided with the #metoo movement. This doesnt surprise us either, because we saw this coalition loud and in charge in cities all over Florida where the radical feminists and the Womens Marchers were teaming up with Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Socialist Democrat Party to terrorize communities into erasing their Southern war memorials from the civic landscape. And why not support Alice Paul, after all, she was a member of the National Womans Party, which has Marxist connections (
So, first it was A Southern War Hero switched out for a woman and now it is a Northern War Hero switched out for a woman. I wonder what the skeptics will say now.
Are they going to take that one down due the General fighting in the Mexican American War and a Texas city being named for him?
Maybe rename the square?
What about the Alabama Hills near my home here in California, site of hundreds of Western films and TV shows, named for a Confederate battleship?
Yhe mortal remains of General Worth are interred beneath his statue but then he did participate in the Second Seminole War.
Even in a time of crisis (maybe) these bastards remain hellbent on erasing actual history to promote their agenda. Much like the Noah’s Ark park they despise so much I propose a preserve for all these monuments with plaques and displays where generations may discern truth from the propagandist garbage our educational institutions force-feed them.
Before these works are destroyed and lost forever like the Nazis burned books and the USSR erased people from photos and text, after they were actually erased.
Watch, they may dig up Gen Worth’s bones and move them Hart Island.
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