To: Shane
No offense to the authors, but this piece is almost a week old and some of its key points are moot.
The "health crisis" in this fiasco is nowhere near a "crisis" of epic proportions. And the economic crisis is driven by panic and hysteria, not any underlying economic trends.
5 posted on
03/27/2020 9:40:16 AM PDT by
Alberta's Child
("And somewhere in the darkness ... the gambler, he broke even.")
To: Alberta's Child
I have it on good authority, from the Fearpers here, that no economic price is too high to pay.
To: Alberta's Child
Once I saw the word xenophobia I knew they were two jerk offs
27 posted on
03/27/2020 10:05:16 AM PDT by
(Radicals, racists my curseoint fingers at me I'm a small town white boy Just tryin to make ends meet)
To: Alberta's Child
The c virus didn’t scare anyone until the media, demonrats and anti trump government bureaucrats decided to collectively gin up the hysteria and fear.
31 posted on
03/27/2020 10:28:40 AM PDT by
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