Posted on 02/27/2020 6:31:24 AM PST by SeekAndFind
It's hard to tell if the superheated response by the Left (the media) to the coronavirus outbreak from China is due to there being a slow news cycle (which is hard to believe), a legitimate news story with U.S. ramifications, or as something to tattoo Donald Trump with a 'Hurricane Katrina' moment.
As the media have amply shown, their zeal to tag President Trump with the most cockamamie accusations knows no bounds. Remember, some of these people still cling to the fiction that Trump is a Russian agent. They won't take "no" and multiple exhaustive investigations for an answer.
As if praying for a Black Swan event, CNBC is running a non-stop coronavirus update and any new cases are breathlessly reported. Georgia (the country, not the state) Oh no! Italy (swamped by expat Chinese deployed there to sop up knowledge of traditional Italian artisans and craftsmen in leatherwork, fashion and art restoration) has reported more cases!
The head-cases on Wall Street have started a sell-off. Supply chains are taking a beating as it's becoming apparent that Chinese parts can't be shipped to the U.S. Plants in China are closed to stop the expansion of the virus. Ask Apple, which had to announce it wouldn't meet earnings expectations because of its reliance upon closed Chinese parts manufacturers.
Some U.S.-based companies have had to idle employees due to a lack of Chinese parts to put in their widgets.
Business is booming for online video conferencing companies, however.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Wednesday that what President Trump has done early in the outbreak is "to buy the United States valuable time" to contain and battle the virus.
But Leftists in the media have questioned or inveighed against the president's moves
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This latest version probably came about like this -
The right is now doing what the left did during impeachment.
Ascribing nefarious motive to otherwise normal actions.
The media would be behaving this way, in this circumstance, if Trump had never existed.
We're talking about panic here. The scenario is - a financial crisis, or crash, coupled with a (at least perceived) massive health care crisis. That spells trouble for the incumbent.
Along comes Bernie who is offering "free" healthcare to everyone. The federal gov't will take over our healthcare and "save" us all from this zombie apocalypse.
There are many, many ignorant and outright stupid people who vote in our country. Countless examples could be given to back that statement up. Add in a massive dose of panic and hysteria, and Trump looses those (D) and "independent" voters that he must get to be re-elected.
If the economy tanks, there goes Trump's biggest selling point to the "average" voter out there. It becomes a liability for him.
I don’t know why president Trump just does not open those wharehouses full of Hazmat gear Obama bought with that 5 Billion. All those portable containment units, Masks, sanitizer ? What ?? No one knows where they are ???? Trump lost them ?
The 2008 financial crisis timeline began in March 2008.
Around that time, an unknown, Jr. Senator from Illinois with the name of Barack Hussein Obama started to overtake the (D) royalty & heir apparent Clinton.
A guy with an unknown past named Hussein, just 7 years removed from 9/11, would go on to be our (usurper) President.
Panicked people tend to do really stupid things.
A lot of the stuff they ordered has an expiration date.
What $5 billion?
When the virus finally passes without a significant outbreak in America, the media and the Democrats will claim that Trump overreacted.
The dog is still wagging.
BTW, two schools of thought on that eaten animal theory.
I don't/won't quibble.
Hong Kong ?
Yeah, I got a laugh out of that!
If I had confidence the majority of American voters employed common sense, knowledge, and reason as they approach the voting booth, I would not be worried about the 2020 election. But I am worried, because this is a nation filled with stupidity and ignorance.
Europeans finally saw black swans in Australia in the 16th Century.
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The 16th century ran from 1500 to 1599.
Maybe you meant 17th century
This from Wikipedia: “The first known landing in Australia by Europeans was by Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon in 1606. Later that year, Spanish explorer Luís Vaz de Torres sailed through, and navigated, Torres Strait islands.”
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I am not going to Google “black swans”
I am reading a book, “SOCIALISM IS EVIL” by Justin Haskins.
The greatest threat facing the United States today doesnt come from China, Iran, or even Russia; its the growing number of Americans who believe Karl Marxs socialism provides the best strategy for making our communities safer, healthier, and more prosperous. But the most significant danger posed by socialism isnt that its implementation would lead to greater poverty and fewer property rights, its that socialism would create numerous moral problems, including the limits it would place on individual liberty and religious freedom.
In Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marxs Radical Dream, conservative columnist and think tank research fellow Justin Haskins examines the moral perils of Marxs socialism and explains why if socialism were to be imposed in its fullest form, it wouldnt just damage peoples freedoms, it would obliterate them. Haskins argues it would be dangerous to attempt to create Marxs utopian socialist world, and even more importantly, that such an attempt would be so highly immoral that it could reasonably be called evil.
In Socialism Is Evil, Haskins makes the moral case against socialism and also describes in detail what socialists believe, the differences between socialism and communism, why Marxs socialism will never be completely adopted, and why even the more moderate European-style socialism, called democratic socialism by some, is highly immoral and anti-American.
Many socialists are kind, generous people with good intentions, but sometimes, good intentions can create devastating results. Socialism Is Evil briefly tackles some of the most important moral controversies surrounding Marxs socialism, providing supporters of individual liberty with the tools they need to stop the rise of socialism in its tracks.
Best explanation I have heard so far...
Socialists come along as all goodness sweetness and light. But that is NOT what they really are. Anyone who is PRO ABORTION is NOT good.
Squaw Warren ( I can use that word, my family is Cherokee ) Said she is Pro CHoice but she admitted that when Mike B told a lady to KILL IT, that IS KILLING A BABY! not just a “choice”
Socialism has been around for well over a century. It has a well documented sordid history of abject failure, human suffering and death of populations who become victim to it on a mass scale. Any socialist who claims to be a kind, generous person with good intentions is a damned liar and should be called out as the evil bastards they are..
Proof of that, any time anyone needs to do Simple Math they had to go find a calculator. They can’t spell. They don’t use proper grammar and often they are reading from a script doing the news. It started with slang and Ebonics. Now it is so horrible. The grammar is SO BAD that people think Trump has bad grammar. No! He does not! He has great grammar 99% of the time. People for a while got A and AN backwards. Now they just us A, they don’t bother to use AN at all, like AN APPLE. They interchange volume with amount. Number with Amount. Etc. My Italian teacher said she cannot teach anyone a second language if they don’t know they grammar in their native language. I understand what she meant now. People are lazy. Young people don’t want to work hard. They want their loans forgiven. We repaid ours! We had an apartment for $125 a month in Clute Texas 1973. We had cheap furniture. We had a 1967 VW Beetle. We ate fish sticks. We ate beans and weenies. Young people today think money grows on BERNIE.... Our schools started being dumbed down in 1980s with OBE.
he he he he
Many socialists are kind, generous people with good intention
Those weren’t MY words, that was a book review on internet. I agree, socialaists are not good.
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