Mary Anne Marsh is a Democratic political analyst and a principal at Dewey Square Groups in Boston were she provides strategic counsel for Fortune 100 companies, non-profits and political campaigns.
Nice puff piece on behalf of Pokahonkey, sez that the only winner was Warren, and what happened in reality is, she gave her idiot supporters one more fist pump, and drove off or pissed off everyone else. I'll guess that Psychojawea will be out of the race in all but name after March 3, "Super Tuesday". Buttplug's also already peaked, though he may win one state (pick one -- the 14 states are AL, AR, CA, CO, MA, ME, MN, NC, OK, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT). Also see CNBC sidebar, "Bloomberg is crushing all other 2020 Democrats with his ad spending in Super Tuesday states".
Rather than do their jobs, politicians put a Band-Aid on a bullet wound and send the patient home to deal with the problem another day.
Never Bring A Wallet To A Gunfight
That debate was about as fierce as a bunch of third grade girls in a hair pulling slap fight.