Can’t they just distribute photos of that rep to all men? Erections would be non existent after seeing her, so no need for the vasectomies.
Stupid woman. If men go and get vasectomies, pretty soon there would be no need for Planned Parenthood.
If the aim is to reduce the number of children, then requiring vasectomies for men under 50 would be more effective. But then, shes targeting a specific population of men, isnt she?
Years ago there was a huge outrage about the forced sterilization of women.
All across the board, it’s become clear that the left, feminists in particular, have adopted the policies of the patriarchy they claim once oppressed them. Proves that the old white guys were right in the first place.
So, Alabama is obviously full of idiots. They voted these other idiots into office. Live with it morons!
Isn’t this one of the reasons we have so many adopted Chinese girls in this country? Or at least, isn’t it how it all began?
They know the bill is DOA. Trying to make a point. A PC point. An SJW point. A feminist point. An immature point. A thoughtless point. An ignorant point.
I live in Alabama. I just got married again a month ago. I am 63 and my wife is 61. She had a hysterectomy years ago. I have two biological sons.
Will this crack-pot bill require me to get a vasectomy?
Can I have a third child with a willing surrogate mother?
Can I adopt a third and fourth child?
Can I still collect $200 for passing “Go”?
< sarcasm
Seriously, I resent the hell out of Commie Rats wanting to tell me what I can do, what I can’t do or what I must do . . and that includes Bloomberg telling me what size drink I can buy. . .
How about free vasectomies, castration after rape or incest conviction, and sterilization with the abortion procedure?
How about a rumor that “vasectomy” means “castration”? I’m sure that most black men, and many black women would get very upset at that idea. And the only thing she could do would be to try to explain the difference, which wouldn’t work at all.
That mugshot! “Where boners go to die.”
This is a good case of something that would go down a slippery slop of unintended consequences. Sterilization would be done for a multitude of sins and men would fight to keep their “ammo.”
“Hollis further explained that men should not tell women what to do with their bodies”
Humm. Yes we should.
Don’t take your body and rob a bank. Don’t use your body to kill your father or mother or husband. Don’t take your body and kill the baby inside your body (or son or daughter outside your body!)
Furthermore, your child is genetically distinct from you and is therefore NOT a part of your body. Ok. Done.
This is about abortion?
Reading the title, I assumed it was a tranny thing being upset about menopause/ERA/nature/reality versus males being able to reproduce decades longer...
Oops, forgot to add “Diana Moon Glampers Lives!”
Bring it up and force a vote.
As the Demorat Communist ship continues to take on water at an ever increasing rate, the rat crew is becoming more desperate and delusional by the day. Their incoherent rantings are there for everyone to see and mock.
Sperm viability and potency are actually two different things. The fact that both disappear about the same age (sometime after 50 or so) in most males kind of makes this proposal moot.
Viagra can ARTIFICIALLY restore a form of potency for a few hours, but it does not cure the underlying condition, which is diminished blood flow though the arteries of the aging male body. Likewise, this reduced blood flow affects, negatively, the sperm count and viability, as the gonads grow ever more blood-starved over time.
Cruel joke of nature, just when mama of the same vintage is getting a little more lusty, and no longer produces viable ova.
Nazi "Sterilisation Law" 1934
So I guess the Democrats' are now Nazis!