Absent historical context, ___________________ can be overhyped in ways that lead uninformed voters...
Fill in the blank (hint - Drat, MSM nd SJW big issues).
The last climate change event occurred 12,800 years ago when the Earth passed through a dense part of the Taurid astroid cloud - a bombardment with several 1 mile rocks and other smaller debris lasting 100 years.
Warning - the sun is going down tonight. Without the sun, we will all freeze to death.
We need to provide all of our resources to the government by this afternoon so they can provide life saving warmth.
The Great Fire of 1910 was a wildfire in the western United States that burned three million acres (4,700 sq miles) in North Idaho and Western Montana, with extensions into Eastern Washington and Southeast British Columbia, in the summer of 1910. The extensive burned area was approximately the size of the state of Connecticut. Interestingly, the fire burned over two days on the weekend of August 2021, after strong winds caused numerous smaller fires to combine into a firestorm of unprecedented size. It killed 87 people, mostly firefighters. It is believed to be the largest, although not the deadliest, forest fire in U.S. history.
All the doomsaying-climatistas say all the California wildfires are indisputably the result of Global Warming / Climate Change. That's a load of BS.
Here's an interesting aside from Wiki that reveals why today's fires are so big -->
The Great Fire of 1910 cemented and shaped the U.S. Forest Service, which at the time was a newly established department on the verge of cancellation, facing opposition from mining and forestry interests. Before the epic conflagration, there were many debates about the best way to handle forest fireswhether to let them burn because they were a part of nature and were expensive to fight, or to fight them in order to protect the forests.One of the people who fought the fire, Ferdinand Silcox, went on to become the fifth chief of the fire service. Influenced by the devastation of the Big Blowup, Silcox promoted the "10 a.m." policy, with the goal of suppressing all fires by 10 a.m. of the day following their report. It was decided that the Forest Service was to prevent and battle every wildfire. More recently, this absolutist attitude to wildfires has been criticized for altering the natural disturbance mechanisms that drive forest ecosystem structure, which paradoxically increases the destructive potential of forest fires.
That was one of several major hurricanes in 1780 alone. Major hurricane counts:
Years | Puerto Rico | Jamaica | Bermuda |
150150 | 7 | 0 | - |
15511600 | 2 | 1 | - |
160150 | 3 | 0 | 8 |
16511700 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
170150 | 9 | 8 | 6 |
17511800 | 10 | 12 | 5 |
180150 | 13 | 11 | 9 |
18511900 | 6 | 5 | 10 |
190150 | 6 | 5 | 11 |
195198 | 2 | 2 | 6 |
Looks like the alarmists are shifting their scare focus from Greenland to Antarctica. Perform a google search on “Antarctic ice cap melting”. Google will offer articles detailing hundreds of absurd predictions that have not and will not come to pass. If one performed the same search 10 years ago, you would see a never ending list of the same articles going back to the 1990s. Insanity
That was caused by bad farming practices. Is there any serious dispute about that? Humans can cause both good and bad environmental effects, and can reverse them if it becomes necessary.
In October 2018, we lost our home and most of our belongings in a flood. I have had friends from around the country suggest that this is proof of Global Warming.
Over 80 years before, in 1936, my grandparents lost their home and all of their belongings in a flood. Before their home washed down the Colorado River, it was located about 50 feet from where ours is located now.
This is not Global Warming. It is called weather. Sometimes the weather is bad. Sometimes the weather is very bad. I have long described Central Texas weather as a series of droughts separated by floods.
This has always been and always will be the nature of weather. I am really tired of every bad weather event being attributed to Global Warming.
Earth Enters Unknown as Magnetic North Pole Continues Push Toward Russia, Crosses Greenwich Meridian
Sputniknews.com ^ | 15:08 13.12.2019 (updated 15:42 13.12.2019) | Staff
posted in the Free Republic Aggregate conservative news site
Posted on 12/13/2019, 4:22:18 PM by Red Badger
Earlier this year, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the British Geological Survey (BGS) were forced to update the World Magnetic Model a year ahead of schedule due to the speed with which the magnetic north pole is shifting out of the Canadian Arctic and toward Russias Siberia.
Deep solar minimum on the verge of an historic milestone
wattsupwiththat.com ^ | December 12, 2019 | by Paul Dorian
Posted on 12/13/2019, 3:17:04 PM by Red Badger Posted in the Free Republic aggregate news site http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3800719/posts
Solar minimum is a normal part of the 11-year sunspot cycle, but the last one and the current one have been far deeper than most. One of the consequences of a solar minimum is a reduction of solar storms and another is the intensification of cosmic rays. The just ended solar cycle 24 turned out to be one of the weakest in more than a century continuing a weakening trend that began in the 1980s and, if the latest forecasts are correct, the next solar cycle will be the weakest in more than 200 years.
One of the natural impacts of decreasing solar activity is the weakening of the ambient solar wind and its magnetic field which, in turn, allows more and more cosmic rays to penetrate the solar system. Galactic cosmic rays are high-energy particles originating from outside the solar system that can impact the Earths atmosphere. Our first line of defense from cosmic rays comes from the sun as its magnetic field and the solar wind combine to create a shield that fends off cosmic rays attempting to enter the solar system. The shielding action of the sun is strongest during solar maximum and weakest during solar minimum with the weakening magnetic field and solar wind. The intensity of cosmic rays varies globally by about 15% over a solar cycle because of changes in the strength of the solar wind, which carries a weak magnetic field into the heliosphere, partially shielding Earth from low-energy galactic charged particles.
Electro verse.net ^ | Dec 11, 2019
Posted on 12/17/2019, 4:54:46 PM by 11th_VA
A scientific paper entitled An Overview of Scientific Debate of Global Warming and Climate Change has recently come out of the University of Karachi, Pakistan. The papers author, Prof. Shamshad Akhtar delves into earths natural temperature variations of the past 1000 years, and concludes that any modern warming trend has been hijacked by political & environmental agendas, and that the science (tackled below) has been long-ignored and at times deliberately manipulated.
... Pro human induced global warming scientists exaggerate the contribution of carbon dioxide as a major greenhouse gas in absorbing long wave earths radiation. The fact is water vapor is the single largest atmospheric greenhouse gas (2% by volume), Carbon dioxide is second (0.0385% by volume).
Water vapor contributes 95% to the greenhouse effect, all other greenhouse gases combined contribute only 5%. Furthermore, the man-made portion of carbon dioxide contributes only 0.117% to the greenhouse effect.
The IPCC does not consider water vapor a greenhouse gas in its reports.
In addition, water vapor absorbs in a much wider band of long wave radiation (4-8 micrometer and 12-70 micrometer bands), whereas Carbon dioxide absorbs in narrow bands (13-16 micrometer) and ozone absorbs in a much smaller narrow band (9-10 micrometer). Thus, water vapor absorbs in a much wider wave length band, it has the single largest greenhouse effect among all the greenhouse gases