Comparison, 2016 Trump POTUS Debates, 24,000,000 people watched On TV...Democrat POTUS Candidate group dies politically as each debate takes place from the first Democrat Party, POTUS debate, 16,000,000 TV viewers, down the last and seventh debate, to pittance, 6,100,000 TV viewers. Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler & Schumer ain’t doing too good at all!!! what if somebody had a political debate and no one tuned in on TV....We are headed that way...folks!!!
By the way the Democrat 2020, POTUS Candidates totalled together have “ZERO” appeal, intelligence and positive Mo Jo!!! Game over!!!
They’re DEAD, Jim.
Your link is bad.
This link worked for me:
There was a debate?
The Democrats want to impeach Trump because not just to cover up for their abuses during Obamaâs second term. Their own voters are not thrilled about voting for any of their candidates.
Pocahontas as usual was bat sh*t crazy. She said every year she was going to go to the Rose Garden and read the names of trannys murdered "in commemoration". Here is a hint for Lie-a-watha, most trannys murdered are involved prostitution. When a "John" buys a whore and finds out he just bought a "she-male", it tends to cause conflict—ya think? My guess is less than a dozen trannys are killed each year, with all of them involved in some kind of illegal activity.
Mayor Buttplug said he would pay "reparations" to illegal immigrants.
Well this was a can of "mixed nuts" arriving just in time for Christmas
The democrats are not worried about who the candidate is. They are registering so many illegals to vote, along with voter fraud they believe they can keep the house and take the senate.
It couldn’t have been more awful. What a bunch of clowns. I can’t imagine any one of them being respected by any world leader. Can you imagine what the Chinese bigshot would do with them? Or Amy-Commi-shar telling the Mooslims what to do? Or Mayor Buttplug going up against the Mooslims?
Because who wants to listen to a nasty cabal of 2 legged jobs, economy and baby killers spout their illogical venom.
This is good news for the Democrats. Fewer people heard just how extreme their candidates are.
The nominee must be Joe Biden for the impeachment charge Trump spied on a political rival to have any weight.
That’s why after his disastrous debate performance, he was being heralded as the old Joe we know on the top of his game.
Set up. He can’t win.
So to maintain the spying on a political rival alive while picking another candidate, the left’s exit strategy is for Joe to fake health issues like walking in circles and for physicians to state for Joe’s own good he must bow out.
To demonstrate to all of you good folks out there in “America” Land how you are lied to by the Democrat Party “Fake News Media” daily.....the minute the Drudge Report (no longer owned by Matt Drudge) “On-Line” Democrat 2020 POTUS Seventh debate poll was posted on the Drudge report site...even the most naive and novice cub reporter would have immediately known that “literally, No one in America TV land, was watching this debate via TV, etc. The incoming numbers were paltry and to boot 45% of them went to Democrat, Yang...period.
Just remember, folks these debates started off a few months back with weak numbers to begin with. the first Democrat POTUS candidate debate drew 18,100,000 (Trump in 2016 averaged 24,000,000 TV viewers). To drop from eighteen million viewers to the the Paltry number of of “Six Million” is pathetic to say the least!!!
Bottom Line is’ Democrats have committed political suicide with their own political party.....folks this Game is over. Our Great POTUS, Trumpie wins re-election in a massive landslide, come November 3rd, 2020
No wonder these people lack an edge... one silly softball after another to folks so shallow it takes your breath away. And the pity stories about how hard it is for 'the middle class'? Answers stunk of 'focus groups' antidotes gussied up by professional speech writers.
Every person on the stage was a millionaire or billionaire and the closest any of them come to working Americans are their butlers.