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Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Rush ^ | December 20, 2019 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 12/20/2019 2:13:49 PM PST by Kaslin

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: Yes siree, wrapping up yet another barnstorming week of broadcast excellence here on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Great to have you with us, as always, folks. Telephone number is 800-282-2882. The email address,

One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

So all the leftist and Democrat analysts on TV today are trying to cover up for it by claiming, “No, Pelosi has leverage. Pelosi’s got all the leverage.” Pelosi doesn’t have any leverage. As Mitch McConnell said — I’m gonna paraphrase, and this was a great line — McConnell said how in the world can she have leverage when she won’t send us what we don’t want? He doesn’t want those articles. He’d be very happy if she never sent them over, just declare a mistrial and be done with it.

She has no leverage because she has nothing to say about how the Senate conducts its business in this. She could hold out for what she claims is a fair trial, but a fair trial is something always afforded the accused, not the accusers. But it’s not her purview anyway. Once the House voted the articles, the only thing left is for those articles to be presented to the Senate, then the House is done, other than the trial where the House managers would present the case.

But she cannot dictate, for example, that Senate call new witnesses, that the Senate continue the investigation that the House didn’t too. She can’t demand any of that. And by withholding the articles claiming she has leverage, McConnell said, “Leverage? She’s not gonna send us something that we don’t want in the first place. How in the world has she got leverage?”

So this has got these people in panic. They’re trying to cover-up up for this by saying, “No, no, this is Nancy outsmarting everybody,” the leftist commentators.

By the way, you know, it’s fascinating. I purposely didn’t watch much of the debate last night ’cause, frankly, I’m worn out. I’ve reached a point where I can’t handle any more of their rhetoric. I can’t handle any more of the perfunctory lying-through-their-teeth statements. Just my mental health, I couldn’t put up with it.

But people send me their reactions to this stuff all the time, and it’s amazing. I got a lot of reaction last night that Biden was an abject disaster. And yet I get up today and I read all the analysts like John Podhoretz thinks this was Biden’s best ever, Biden owned it, Biden was wonderful, Biden finally was the Biden we think he is.

So now I’m curious. Which is it? I had people sending me stuff saying Biden blew the Winston Churchill question, how old he is, didn’t know that Winston Churchill was prime minister of the U.K., had to be reminded that Winston Churchill was not an American, the question had to deal with American presidents and their age. And I get up and I read all these analysts, “Oh, Biden.” There’s three or four of them that Biden just mopped the floor with people last night.

I’m kind of at a disadvantage ’cause I didn’t see it. But it’s fascinating to me the reactions that different people have. Obviously, the people think think Biden did well wanted him to do well and are literally hoping that somebody can beat Trump on that side, and they think Biden’s probably only person who can and so that’s why they think Biden — he didn’t stumble. He acted like he knew where he was. I mean, the bar is very low for Plugs. All he’s gotta do is act like he knows where he is and what time it is and it’s an improvement over the last debate, right?

So, anyway, back to Noah Feldman. “[A]n indefinite delay would pose a serious problem. Impeachment as contemplated by the Constitution does not consist merely of the vote by the House, but of the process of sending the articles to the Senate for trial. Both parts are necessary to make an impeachment under the Constitution: The House must actually send the articles and send managers to the Senate to prosecute the impeachment.

“And the Senate must actually hold a trial. If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all.” Let me tell you something. For Noah Feldman to write that, he is panicking. He doesn’t want to write that! He doesn’t want to have to consider that Trump is innocent of anything in his life.

The worst thing that could happen to Noah Feldman is exactly what’s happened, for none of this to go forward from this point. I’m telling you, Feldman writing these few sentences here had to be painful. Again: “If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached…” That is the worst of any preliminary outcome! Now, the worst outcome’s gonna be if he’s acquitted.

Pelosi knows her articles are nothing. Pelosi knows her articles cannot get votes of acquittal. Pelosi knows she doesn’t have a case. She knows Trump would be acquitted. She doesn’t want that; so she’s withholding the articles. But now her allies and her aides are panicking that this may be the wrong “strategical” move. Noah Feldman says, “That’s because ‘impeachment’ under the Constitution means the House sending its approved articles of to the Senate, with House managers standing up in the Senate and saying the president is impeached.

“As for the headlines we saw after the House vote saying, ‘TRUMP IMPEACHED,’ those are a media shorthand, not a technically correct legal statement. So far, the House has voted to impeach (future tense) Trump. He isn’t impeached (past tense) until the articles go to the Senate and the House members deliver the message.” Now, we had a call about this yesterday. I have to admit that I was taken a little bit aback by this when I saw it.

We had a call yesterday asking me, “Hey, Rush, is Trump really impeached?” I said, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. The House action is what it is. Impeachment is a two-part process. They voted to impeach him. That’s done.” Well, it turns out the caller may have been on to something, if Feldman is right. Now some other people are chiming in and saying, “Yes, yep, this is absolutely true,” and some other people chiming in, “I said that first!” which is normal.

But it is clear that none of this is going the way they figured. None of it — literally none of it, folks. So keep in mind, Trump hasn’t been impeached and won’t be until Pelosi lets the managers go over there and present the case. Now, a companion story from Bloomberg: “Trump Lawyers Ask If Pelosi Delay Means He Isn’t Impeached Yet.” Pull quote: “The White House legal theory, according to a person familiar with the legal review, is that if Trump has been officially impeached, the Senate should already have jurisdiction.

“Backers of the theory would argue that the clause of the U.S. Constitution that gives the Senate ‘the sole Power to try all Impeachments’ indicates that the impeachment isn’t formalized until the House reported the charges to the upper chamber.” So until the Senate has been notified and then is prepared to conduct a trial, the House vote — according to Noah Feldman and the White House lawyers — doesn’t mean anything yet. It’s kind of like: If a tree falls in the forest and nobody’s there, did it make a noise, did it make a sound?

If the House votes for impeachment but don’t take the case to the Senate, is there an impeachment? Apparently, the answer’s “no.” So Trump has not been impeached yet, and he won’t be. Pelosi is now saying she isn’t gonna deliver anything over this ’til January 7th because she sent the House home. There will be no votes on anything until they get back next year, January 7th. Now, in the midst of all of this, polling data.

Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard: “President Trump is starting to run away with the 2020 election. In the second poll in two days to show his advantage, the latest YouGov/Economist ‘electability’ survey found the president leading the top tier of Democratic challengers from six points to 41 points among registered voters, even amid” the he’s-not-impeached-yet period. “In the survey, 40% said that … Biden would ‘probably beat Donald Trump.’ But 46% said Biden would ‘probably lose to Donald Trump.’ Against [Crazy Bernie], the margin favored Trump 57%-31%.”

In other words, this is not a poll of, “Who are you gonna vote for? Who do you think…?” This is a poll of, “Who do you think’s gonna win? What are the odds such-and-such will beat somebody else?” They call this an “electability” poll, and it’s the second one like it in two days — and YouGov is not an outlier bunch. They are widely accepted by the Drive-By Media as mainstream. So’s The Economist. So, again, 46% in this poll say that Biden would lose to Trump, 46% to 40%, a six-point edge for Trump.

That Trump would beat Crazy Bernie 57% to 31%. That Trump would beat Elizabeth Warren 57% to 27% (that’s 30 points) and that Trump would trounce Mayor Pete 59 to 18%. Now, look at those margins. Now, let’s stop and look at this for a second. Does this sound sensible? These margins, when you hear them or if you read the piece yourself, does this sound reasonable, believable, or does it sound like, “Whoa! This is so unlike any other poll I’ve seen out there, I don’t know if I should believe this.”

See, to me, this is the first poll to come along that makes any sense whatsoever. The Democrats are not making a case to the majority of this country to reelect them or elect them. They’re not even close to it. The amount of pro-Trump energy out there is expanding, and it’s growing, and even the polls that the mainstream media cite show this, that Trump is gaining support during impeachment; the Democrats are losing it. This makes total sense.

Can Mayor Pete, really…? Living an illusion that Mayor Pete’s gonna be elected president? There’s no way that’s gonna happen, and there’s no way Elizabeth Warren’s gonna be elected president. It’s nothing but media mythology to believe that these kinds of things are as close as they are. Now, let’s go to CNN. Audio sound bite number 5. The same thing is happening in a CNN poll. This this morning on CNN New Day, and this is the senior politics writer, Harry Enten.

ENTEN: (excitedly) Back in October, Biden was up by 10! So his lead has been cut in half! Bernie Sanders is up by nine — his lead has been cut more than in half — and Warren was up eight, and now she’s only up one! And Buttigieg was up six, and now he is down one! This is massive movement towards the president of the United States, at least in our poll at this particular point.

RUSH: They are in horror over in CNN Land, because their poll is showing massive swing toward Trump in head-to-head polls with Democrats. Here’s part two of the sound bite…

ENTEN: … 76% of the country say we have good economic conditions! Just 22% say we have poor! That is, in fact, the best numbers that we’ve had since the beginning of not just this past decade, but the last decade! So take a look at his favorability rating. Now his favorable rating, 46%. The president is becoming more popular, in part, I believe, because of the strong — what people view as a strong — economy.

RUSH: Right. That’s only part of it. “The president is becoming stronger” because people are reacting horribly negatively to what your pals in the Democrat Party are doing, Mr. Enten. So after he mentioned all this, little Alisyn Camerota said, “Gee, can you explain this? Why is this happening?” They’re clueless. They live in a world where every day they are destroying Donald Trump, and they think since Pelosi impeached him that he’s just about dead now. It’s just a matter of time. They have thought this for three years. It backfires on them each and every time.


RUSH: So here’s the bottom line: At the moment, registered voters don’t think any of the Democrat frontrunners are gonna beat Donald Trump. This according to the YouGov/Economist poll. The CNN poll is trending the same direction. Now, there are reasons I think this poll — this electability poll showing Trump winning by such wide margins — is true, and I can’t make the case during the closing segments of this segment. But we will when I get back. Look at the debate last night. Elizabeth Warren’s a classic illustration of what’s wrong with the Democrat Party.

But it’s not just that, because she articulated things that they always say. They do not adjust for relevant circumstances in America at any time. They just continue to paint this country as dark and doomed. It is the way they have always sought to relate to a majority of Americans and get them on their side, to portray America as dark and gloomy and dismal and most people have no hope, most people have no prayer — most people, the deck is stacked against ’em.

It’s the stupidest thing in the world to say during this particular time with economic unemployment at a historic low of 3.5%, African-American unemployment at an historic low. The other positives look at it: African-American employment and Hispanic employment at all-time highs. Stock market through the roof. Most people’s 401(k)s or other instruments are invested in the stock market are they’re doing well because of it. And here come the Democrats continuing to portray this country as a nation in decline where most people have no chance, no prayer, because of evil Republicans — and it’s just not selling, thankfully.


RUSH: So this is funny. CNN found an “impeachment law scholar” at Tulane. An impeachment law scholar! Something that’s only happened four times, there is an impeachment law scholar at Tulane. Anyway, they went and found this guy — his name is Ross Garber — to talk them all off the ledge. This guy’s saying (paraphrased), “Well, Professor Feldman may not be right. It may not be correct to say that Trump has not been impeached until a trial starts, until the articles are delivered over there,” because, believe me, folks, when Noah Feldman published that piece…

He wrote a column at Bloomberg News saying, hey, he doesn’t like the fact that Pelosi is not sending the articles over to the Senate. He writes a piece saying that this means that Trump has not been impeached yet; Trump can run around and say, “I haven’t been impeached.” Noah Feldman is panicking, thinks Pelosi is engaging in a bad strategy here. Feldman thinks that because he’s one of the witnesses, Trump is going down, because he testified Trump is guilty.

So the Drive-By Media today has been very, very alarmed at this — “Oh, my God!” — because they’ve been reporting all day long that Trump has been impeached, all day yesterday, all last night, and Feldman comes along. So they went and found a guy to say (impression), “No, it doesn’t quite mean that. Uh, Professor Feldman is correct that the Senate is now in total charge, but it may not necessarily mean so.” They’re all breathing big sighs of relief, ’cause they desperately need to be able to say that Trump has been impeached because it’s all about the blemish.

It’s all about the asterisk.

It’s all about the black mark.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: impeachment; pelousi; polls; rush; transcript
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To: lgjhn23


“That’s the face of pure evil manifested in the flesh.
We around these parts don’t call it the “vile, demonic Botoxian” for nothing.”

21 posted on 12/20/2019 3:40:29 PM PST by Grampa Dave (A FRIVOLOUS IMPEACHMENT VOTE is a SERIOUS SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY!!!)
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To: Kaslin
If Pelosi crawls out from under her wine bottle long enough to send the bill to the Senate, McConnell should announce that just as our justice system operates, hearsay will not be allowed.
22 posted on 12/20/2019 3:42:52 PM PST by liberalh8ter (The only difference between flash mob 'urban yutes' and U.S. politicians is the hoodies.)
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To: Kaslin

Note to NanZi: It’s seldom wise to go on “winter break” when practicing brinkmanship. You may find the entire field changed and the game over by the time you return.

23 posted on 12/20/2019 3:51:48 PM PST by rockrr ( Everything is different now...)
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To: butlerweave

She has some type of flap over it on the right side of her nostril.

24 posted on 12/20/2019 3:58:43 PM PST by Grampa Dave (A FRIVOLOUS IMPEACHMENT VOTE is a SERIOUS SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY!!!)
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To: Grampa Dave

“I think Nancy has a mustache that needs waxing.”

“She has had so many face lifts, that might be her pubic hair!”

A bikini wax on her upper lip.

25 posted on 12/20/2019 4:05:32 PM PST by Lean-Right (Eat More Moose)
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To: Kaslin

Republican PROSPERITY,

Democrats have Impeached PROSPERITY.

They are a bunch of dumb clucks.

26 posted on 12/20/2019 5:25:53 PM PST by TheNext (LeGaBiT)
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To: Candor7; LucyT; Brown Deer
He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking...



Early life and education[edit] Feldman grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, where he attended the Maimonides School.[1] Feldman was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home. WIKI

27 posted on 12/20/2019 5:33:43 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
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To: Grampa Dave


28 posted on 12/20/2019 5:37:39 PM PST by luv2ski
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To: Fred Nerks; Candor7; LucyT
Yep, I had noticed back on the day they testified.

Pamela Karlan described herself as an example of "snarky, bisexual, Jewish women".

All three witnesses are Jewish: Noah Feldman of Harvard, Pamela Karlan of Stanford and Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina. So are Schiff and Nadler, and so was the Democrats’ counsel who directed the first 45 minutes of questioning, Norm Eisen.

The Tell: Three of the impeachment witness lawyers were Jewish, and it matters

29 posted on 12/20/2019 5:57:47 PM PST by Brown Deer (America First!)
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To: luv2ski

It is astounding to me that 63 million Americans voted for Trump. The Dems in the house did not vote for Trump.

So then the 200 or whatever Dems vote to impeach Trump. Just because they don’t like him or are afraid of him or whatever, why would they think that 200 dissatisfied people could overturn 63 million people?

30 posted on 12/20/2019 5:59:17 PM PST by angry elephant (My MAGA cap is from a rally in Washingon state in May 2016)
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To: Brown Deer

The second and third generation descendants of the Bolshevik jews are making a name for themselves...Churchill had their number:

‘“In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”’

31 posted on 12/20/2019 6:20:58 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
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To: Mariner

From your lips to God’s ears.

32 posted on 12/20/2019 6:54:55 PM PST by JLLH
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To: angry elephant

63 million and counting....

33 posted on 12/20/2019 6:55:38 PM PST by JLLH
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To: Kaslin

And, hopefully, next to the asterisk will say “*Impeached by dumbass, hyperpartisan Democrats during the best economy in decades and citing no actual high crimes or misdemeanors, which led to a landslide of epic proportions for Trump and the Republicans.”

34 posted on 12/20/2019 7:13:18 PM PST by grateful
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To: Brown Deer
Look what crawled out of the swamp:

35 posted on 12/20/2019 7:37:21 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
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To: Fred Nerks; LucyT
According to the New York Times in 2002, Jerry Waddler (5'4" 338 lbs) lost over 60 pounds from surgery, but it looks like he's gained most of it back since then, despite his goal of 160.

Nadler, as a Last Resort, Sheds Weight by Surgery
November 16, 2002

If the usual rigors of serving in Congress were not enough, Representative Jerrold Nadler, a Manhattan Democrat, struggled for years with the personal torment of being so overweight that he could not make it up even a single flight of stairs to the second floor of the Capitol to vote on the House floor. He used the elevator instead.

"I can't tell you how many people -- complete strangers -- have come up to me and said, 'Congressman, you're doing a great job, and I want you to continue to be my congressman, so you have to lose weight,'" he said in an interview. "Imagine how that makes you feel.''

Now, after decades of health-threatening obesity and futile dieting, Mr. Nadler has taken a more aggressive course: During the Congressional recess in early August, he underwent stomach-reduction surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, following in the steps of a small but rising number of overweight people, most recently (and famously) Al Roker, the weatherman for NBC's "Today" program.

Mr. Nadler peaked at 338 pounds before the surgery, whereas Mr. Roker peaked at 320 pounds. But Mr. Roker is 5 feet, 8 inches tall, while Mr. Nadler is 5-foot-4. Mr. Nadler was so obese that he long ago gave up riding the subway in New York to avoid the tiring climb up and down the steps.

Mr. Nadler, an influential New York politician who became known nationally for his staunch defense of President Clinton, said he took this radical step after realizing that his life depended on it. "I want to live to see my grandchildren grow up," he said. "How many grossly overweight 80-year-olds do you know?"

The results have been striking: Mr. Nadler, who is 55, has shed 61 pounds -- and taken in his suits three times. He even surprised himself the other day when he walked the 40 blocks or so from his district office in Lower Manhattan to Penn Station. In the past, he avoided walking even a few blocks.

Since the operation, Mr. Nadler said, he has had to change his eating habits drastically because he feels terribly uncomfortable if he eats too much. In the past, he would typically consume a salad, a bowl of onion soup, a 14-ounce rib-eye steak with french fries, vegetables, bread and butter and a dessert -- all washed down with diet Coke. He also snacked constantly -- on Oreo cookies, Fig Newtons, frankfurters and even tuna salad and chicken salad sandwiches.

"I'd be constantly noshing in the cloakroom," he said. These days, Mr. Nadler will order a four-ounce steak sandwich, discard the Kaiser roll and eat only three quarters of the meat. (He will have vegetables only if he has room -- and he skips dessert and has nothing to drink.) He has also stopped snacking. "Snacks are out," he said. "What I do now is munch on ice cubes."

Mr. Nadler, who has served in the House for nearly 10 years, is also trying to be more active and less sedentary. His usual breakfast, a tuna fish or chicken salad sandwich with tomatoes and mayonnaise, is now entirely out of the question.

People have already started to notice the difference in the congressman, who has frequently been the butt of cruel humor, even among those who respect his formidable intellect and sharp political instincts. (In 1998, for example, when Alfonse M. D'Amato was a senator from New York, he referred to Mr. Nadler as "Jerry Waddler" in a private meeting of politicians, a remark that later became public.)

Mr. Nadler said that while he has publicly shrugged off such incidents he was, in fact, wounded by them. "You try to ignore it," he said. "But, of course, it's hurtful. I've learned to laugh it off. But it's hurtful."

Mr. Nadler decided to talk to a reporter about his operation because, his aides said, he believed it would be only a matter of time before people started asking questions. "I thought it should be publicized," he said. "But I wanted it done responsibly. I didn't want it ending up in The National Enquirer."

The surgery that Mr. Nadler underwent is becoming increasingly popular, at a time when diet, exercise and weight-loss drugs have failed to counter the rising tide of obesity in America. From 1999 to 2000, 64.5 percent of American adults were overweight, according to a recent study published by The Journal of the American Medical Association, with 35.2 percent qualifying as obese or morbidly obese.

As a result, medical experts now regard obesity as one of the worst public health problems in the nation. It greatly increases the risk of illnesses that are among the leading causes of death, including diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems and some forms of cancer.

There are many theories for the weight gain in the United States -- from a lack of exercise to the proliferation of fast food. But whatever the cause, medical experts agree that for most obese patients, there is little long-lasting success in dieting, exercise or weight-loss drugs.

Mr. Nadler -- who is partial to a genetics theory since his identical twin brother is also obese -- said he had tried every conceivable way to lose weight. Routine exercise. Liquid diets. Weight Watchers. A month-long stay at the Duke University weight loss center in Durham, N.C. And even fen-phen, the popular diet pill combination linked to problems with heart valves. But nothing seemed to work.

The surgery is not a quick or easy cure. It is as painful and as risky as any major abdominal operation. It forces people to make big changes in the way they eat, makes them extremely ill or terribly uncomfortable if they eat too much and puts them at risk for nutritional deficiencies. But it is highly effective. No drug or diet has led to the large and lasting weight loss that the surgery has helped most patients achieve, according to medical experts. In many cases, people lose 100 pounds.

It is expensive, typically costing more than $20,000, although it is often covered by insurance.

"It's not a risk I took lightly," Mr. Nadler said of the stomach surgery, citing statistics showing that 1 out of 200 people die as a result of the procedure. "But on the other hand, I've been struggling with weight all my life. It's frustrating."

In the United States, the number of bariatric operations, as the surgical procedure is known among medical experts, tripled to 60,000 annually in 2002, from 20,000 in 1995, according to statistics from the American Society of Bariatric Surgery.

By the time Mr. Nadler decided to have the procedure done, his health had already deteriorated considerably. "He was already very sick when we saw him," said Dr. Michel Gagner, his surgeon. "He had multiple diseases from his obesity." Dr. Gagner said the procedure Mr. Nadler underwent is a variation of a more common stomach operation performed in the United States.

The more common procedure involves stapling shut most of the stomach and creating a small, one-ounce pouch severely restricting how much food a patient can eat. Then the upper portion of the small intestine is bypassed to reduce the calories the body absorbs.

The operation Mr. Nadler had simply narrows the stomach into a "sleeve" that can take as much as three ounces of food. The sleeve is then connected to the lower half of the small intestine, for the reduction of calories the body absorbs. Dr. Gagner said that the procedure offers ''super obese'' patients a better chance of taking off large amounts of weight and keeping it off.

In the end, Mr. Nadler said, what convinced him to undergo surgery was some gentle prodding from his wife, Joyce L. Miller, who pulled information about the operation off the Internet, as well as the advice of a friend who had had the surgery.

Now, he's hoping to reach his ideal weight, about 160 pounds. "I was extremely, morbidly obese," he said, referring to himself before the surgery. "Now I'm only morbidly obese. I'm getting there."

36 posted on 12/20/2019 8:13:18 PM PST by Brown Deer (America First!)
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To: angry elephant
why would they think that 200 dissatisfied people could overturn 63 million people?

Honestly it's about the same as some judge overturning an overwhelming vote in favor of an initiative (ie a California ballot measure).

37 posted on 12/20/2019 8:23:04 PM PST by luv2ski
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To: Brown Deer

5’4”? The toad must have been as wide as he was short.

38 posted on 12/20/2019 8:54:23 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
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To: LucyT; Fred Nerks
OBITUARY - Richard Alan Nadler was born on June 13, 1947 in Brooklyn, NY and passed away on Saturday, October 20, 2018 in Boca Raton, Florida at the age of 71. Arrangements under direction of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels. A chapel service will be held at 11:30AM on Monday, October 22, 2018 with interment following at Mt. Eden Cemetery in Valhalla, New York.

Jerry Nadler twitter (28 Oct 2018): May their memories be for a blessing...

and yet, not a mention of his dead twin brother to be found.

Janet Tara Nadler (age 70), born 5 March 1949 is currently listed at 2800 S Ocean Blvd Apt 10k, Boca Raton, 33432 Florida and is affiliated with the Republican Party of Florida.

39 posted on 12/20/2019 9:00:56 PM PST by Brown Deer (America First!)
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To: Brown Deer

Jerrold, Richard, Eric?

40 posted on 12/20/2019 9:33:39 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
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