Posted on 12/02/2019 9:01:01 PM PST by fwdude
What you are about to read is a little-known history of the gay rights movement. Very few people have ever heard this story.
Homosexual groups have thrown blood in church sanctuaries and fire-bombed the home of a San Francisco pastor because they did not like his politics. According to the homosexuals, they deserved to have their church doors locked and their ministers run out of town for the good of society.
It all started when Rev. Chuck McIlhenny, pastor the First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, started a church. In March 1978, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a law which stated that no one could be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation. In August of that same year, the church learned that their organist, Kevin, was a practicing homosexual. The young man was approached by Rev. McIlhenny on the basis of Matthew 18:15-20. After several hours of fruitless debate over what the Bible said about homosexuality, Kevin was fired. Based on the anti-discrimination law, Kevin sued Chuck, the church, and the entire Presbytery consisting of ten other churches in northern California. And what was the response of the homosexual community?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There is nothing new under the sun. Homosexuals violate God’s law in one respect, without regret or repentance. Therefore they are prone to violate every other law. He who is faithful in little is faithful in much, and he who is unfaithful in little is also unfaithful in much. Their minds become twisted so that good is bad and bad is good. There is a reason Sodom was destroyed, because of the evil that came from it was corrupting the earth beyond God’s willingness to show mercy.
[[According to the homosexuals, they deserved to have their church doors locked and their ministers run out of town for the good of society.]]
Hmmmm- so Sodom and Gomorrah of them
Read the story. It is EXACTLY the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And we thought time travel was impossible, but here are the inhabitants, today.
Sodom and Gomorrah return. Only this time it’s a whole country from the rainbow WH, trans-everything and emboldened homosexual and pedos. Welcome to the last days
did read part of it- maybe about 1/2- was sick to my stomach about it- and here we have a queer man and his husband looking to become the nation’s ‘first gay president’- like someone said in a thread- we are 2 decades or less away from forced participation and or approval- under penalty of law if we oppose the gay agenda
These are domestic terrorists. We should treat them as such.
the government and msm label them domestic terrorists because it isn’t ‘politically correct to do so’- The only ones they do are religious groups
How can a sodomite receive the gift of salvation? They cannot without repenting and turning away from the sin. How can they repent if they are PROUD of who they are? It just won’t happen. They will not die the second death because of their sin, but because of the pride IN their sinful ways. It is the same way for all of us. I am not proud of the wrongs I have done, and most Christians are not either. That is the Saving Grace of Christ.
There, my hate speechifying for the day.
Not hate speech. Granted we don’t know the heart of man but if there is no repentance and the person(s) live in sin, continue in sin can they be near the kingdom of heaven? Conviction, abstinence, and removing oneself from the perdition ...not hate speech, loving a person in to the kingdom of Jesus Christ, Y’shua Hameshiach is the only way to heaven
Its much worse than that with these degenerates. Not only are they proud of their evil inclinations, they attribute who they are to God Himself, as the maker of their wickedness.
Satan is a deceiver, and a clever one. You have to be careful in determining who God is. He’s the one of the Bible, not the one of your “feelings”.
In 1978 a doping bisexual Marxist despot named “Reverend” Jim Jones was seen as a positive figure in the San Fransicko community in tune and in bed with California politicians including mayor Harvey Milk.
One thing man cannot change about homosexuality is
GOD’s stance on it
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
As the OP stated, a reminder of just what evil the homofascists are capable of in the pursuit of their degenerate agenda.
A practicing homo who is an organist. Is that what they call his specialty?
Thanks fieldmarshaldj.
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