MSN has become a mass producer of fake news.
Hey, troll-boi, good to hear from you.
Since you pointedly *DIDN’T* mention it, here’s what Wikipedia says about your group:
“The Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI), now known as the Financial Health Network, is a nonprofit financial services consultancy headquartered in Chicago, specializing in serving unbanked and underbanked consumers.”
No cherry picking there at all, no sirree...
We’ve all known plenty of people who made sufficient to generous amounts of money but habitually overspent and were usually in trouble even in good times.
Freedom is messy.
Jesus Christ himself said, “the poor will always be with you”. Partial quote.
Notice they put paying bills together with saving money. There is a major distinction between Paying Bills and Saving Money.
Savings has a great deal to do with what you personally choose to do with your excess money after paying on your obligations.
Some choose to spend excess money on personal desires. Some choose to save and invest. The two are not equivalent.
Obama and the Democrats turned our country into a ghetto. That’s the core problem.
Part of this is, in my opinion, that there are few ‘companies for life’ with lifetime pension after retirement these days. My parents both retired from large companies from which they received lifetime pensions and medical benefits. That’s from a bygone era, is not sustainable for most companies, and few people have anything like that now.
So, we all have less general security - unless we put money away ourselves - which I strongly advocate for, from a young age on. If you haven’t done that, even if your salary and job security have increased over the past few years, you probably still feel that you are behind and thus feel insecure.
It’s the 3 cars, 5 tvs, 5 ipods, etc etc....
Totally fake since all financial data says otherwise.
What does “struggling” mean? Can’t afford new i-phones for everyone this Christmas? Forced to drink domestic champagne? Driving last year’s Benz?
When even ghetto deadbeats have cell phones and designer tennis shoes, I’m not believing too many folks are on the edge of destruction.
MSNBC and CNN, vying to be the lead troll of broadcast news.
blame the cheap labor express... endless flow of illegals and H1Bs drive down salaries and wages.
Wonder how much of this is because of skyrocketing health insurance premiums and deductibles due to Zerocare
I almost lost my house trying to keep up with the 20%/yr increases in my BC/BS
Now gambling for the next 2 years until Medicare age. The Dems will probably “fix” that for me to, if they get the chance
When you look at the buying habits of many well employed Americans it isn’t hard to figure out where they’re going wrong. Mcmansions, monster SUVs, big vacations, eating out and on and on.
I suspect the questions asked were stated in such a way as to elicit some negativity in the answers.
OK , let’s revert back to an old formula that will never be wrong or go out of style . You get 4 weeks pay in a month weeks is designated to rent leaving three weeks left for all other expenditures and hopefully saving whatever you can . With this formula it will dictate your living options until you reach a plateau of being able to afford a home/ apartment of your own! If you live within your means and are able to not be swayed with keeping up with the Jone’s you can (if you try)lead a very comfortable and peaceful life in a monetary sense. Find a Church that you like stay away from credit cards and drive a used auto and learn how to twist a wrench. If you choose to live beyond your means you will be what we call...”House poor” or “car poor” and you will constantly be under stress chasing the all mighty dollar to pay for things that you were not ready to have......Our society is so productive that if you shop right and are simply not overly materialistic you will prosper and more than likely progress ....also believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see and you’ll be ok....I am not rich but I own OUTRIGHT everything I have as far as residence auto’s(Plural, one is a 2018 Honda accord paid cash the other a 2003 Windstar for work as I am self-employed) and I pay cash for everything...did the credit thing decades ago and it is not the way ....Church is (I think) the key.
I could not find any data about the utopian era of 2009 to 2016.
Can you advise?
As a generalization, I’d say that most Americans don’t spend their money wisely. And most don’t invest at all — let alone wisely.
Another generalization would be that two disastrous economic facts of life for many, if not most, Americans are the government’s ruining of higher education and health care. Both are cutting deeply into middle class budgets.
Um Folks, this is the Fake News talking down one of the strongest economies of our lifetime!
I’m shocked some of you people still accept the premise of these liars given their history.
I’m having a wonderful fall/early winter. I’ve been able to pay down that one humongous credit card that’s plagued us for years. Not only that, we’re having a cash Christmas.
We’ve been struggling since 2008 and thanks to Donald J. Trump, we’re finally out of the woods.
Now with a new branch of our business coming on line in the spring, we might finally be able to say we’ve made it.
“Despite solid U.S. economic growth this year, the share of Americans who are struggling financially remains statistically unchanged from a year ago...”
I wonder if that takes into account all of the boomers who left work last year, or if this is only employed (legal) workers, or includes illegals and welfare people. It seems very easy to fudge the data.