I live almost next to Memorial Hospital, and close to the main fire station. And advantage also is that this house is stucco with a 80 year old Mexican style roof; the first folks who settled here wern’t dumb- this area burns regularly.
People are acting shocked when there are species of plants around here that will NOT propagate without exposure to wildfire. The Spanish and Mexicans understood this- adobe with tile roofs.
I won’t be surprised to lose power, but anyone who isn’t an idiot worthy of Darwination is prepped for an earthquake, which won’t have ANY notice!
Hmm, better finish off that last case and a half of beer, in case the power goes off.
Fire in Layfayette...evacuations. That means Orinda, Moraga and Pleasant Hill all can be under threat. Getting really bad. Got an old army buddy living in Layfayette...
California is still the state with four seasons different from the rest of the country:
Fire, flood, earthquake and riot.