California is still the state with four seasons different from the rest of the country:
Fire, flood, earthquake and riot.
Thankfully the riots are pretty much confined to a few places. Earthquakes are just a given, after the 3rd or 4th not too scary. None if this waiting for days or hours for the tornado or storm to come and go; if it’s over and you’re still alive you will probably live.
I’ve lived in this same house for over 50 years.... there is nothing new under the sun.
Plus mudslide season which coincides with flood season.
When it's not too dry and windy the weather is pretty dang good though. I have to admit I've never lived anywhere the weather was better than San Diego. Even Hawaii has too much rain but otherwise just as nice.
If CA could be turned solid red and the prices went back to being something an average person could manage; I'd consider moving back there but I don't think it will. At least no in my lifetime. The sadistic evil fascist Marxist Nazi-like dems have it locked down.