Posted on 09/23/2019 3:33:58 PM PDT by rintintin
Donald Trump didnt learn anything from 2016. Not only has he still not acknowledged Russias interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. Not only has he still not admitted his campaigns multiple contacts with Russian operatives. Not only does he disagree with fellow Republicans who say: We cant allow foreign interference in an American election ever again. Trump welcomed foreign influence in 2016 and now hes doing his best to make it happen again, in 2020. This time with a different country. Not Russia, but Ukraine.
Theres a lot we still dont know, but we know enough to be alarmed. Heres what we know: First, on July 25, President Trump placed a call to Volodymyr Zelensky, the new president of Ukraine. Second, a career, on-duty U.S. intelligence officer monitoring the call was so appalled by what they heard the president say that, on Aug. 12, they filed a whistleblower complaint with the inspector general of the intelligence community.
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Bill Press is still alive?
Who knew!
Bitme publicly bragged about committing a crime by threatening to withhold a billion dollars in loan guarantees unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his son.—dj2-CY&
This time we finally got him! lol
Oh, Bill, wasn’t your 15 minutes up a long time ago?
And how does he know that “a career, on duty intelligence officer was monitoring the call”. We don’t know WHO was monitoring the call, the complaint was based on hearsay, and we don’t know what the person’s position was or what Trump said on the call. But a typical liberal who would give the benefit of the doubt to Charles Manson is ready with the rope for someone they don’t like because their Aunt Sally knew someone who knew someone who said they knew someone who knew something about Trump.
“Second, a career, on-duty U.S. intelligence officer monitoring the call was so appalled by what they heard” -— Are there no male or female pronouns anymore? Why is Press lying? I thought the supposed “whistle-blower” never even heard the call.
Ah, another hit piece on the President by some TDS liberal.
Bill Press - 79 years old and a raging liberal.
The final straw
If I had a dollar for every time that phrase was used by Dem propagandists these last 2+ years Id be able to personally fund the entirety of the Wall.
Impeachment increased BillyBob's popularity. I don't know how it would effect DJT's.
Sober up Bill, you are delusional, nothing of what you say ever happened, maybe it’s a flashback from the LSD days you had?
The article lies and says the whistleblower heard the call. They did not.
Not only has he still not acknowledged Russias interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.
Russia did not hack the DNC.
Seth Rich leaked to Wikileaks and they killed him for it.
Russia,Russia,Russia was made up as cover for that.
“And how does he know that a career, on duty intelligence officer was monitoring the call.”
And absolutely NOBODY in the intelligence field has any business spying on the President and passing judgement on his decisions. Any of them that do are traitors, no better than Stasi and should face life in prison.
So is the President expected to clear his decisions through the so called “intelligence community” first?
Sick. Freaking police state mentality. Banana republic (no insult to bananas)
Bill Presstitute is still screeching? Who knew?
This Will Totally Destroy Trump! (Volume MCXXXVII) ^ | 9/23/2019 | Kurt Schlichter
Posted on 9/23/2019, 9:59:43 AM by rktman
Well, ________________ is going to totally be the thing that lets us crucify Trump! Yeah, Russia flopped and his alleged Nazi-ness failed and that weasel ex-lawyer/convict of his struck out, but we promise this time, ___________ is going to bring him down!
So saith CNN, the Times, the gang at and the rest of the cabinboy media, along with the carb-curious Fredocon dorks and the surviving furries, pseudo-Cherokees and other assorted Democrat weirdos currently wandering about in Iowa pestering farmers to join them for selfies. Theres always a new _____________, except the bring him down part just never seems to happen.
No coffee for the liberal establishment, because coffee is for closers (NSFW language, sissies). These geebos have been trying to close the deal since 2015, but all they have to do it with are the Rio Rancho leads they never get the Glengarry leads that will put a stake through the heart of the Bad Orange Man.
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Bill Press/Michael Moore-—an unbeatable team!(/lunacy off)
“Bill Press is still alive? Who knew!”
Exactly what I was thinking.
I remember him mentioning once that he had begun his political life as a liberal Republican.
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