Subpoena the security guards or the building manager, not the president of the US, interfering with the performance of his presidential duties.
“Because New York and California actually run the United States...”
Trump can tell him to piss up a rope.
Judge cant legally order it and certainly cant enforce it. This is bullsheit order. Either by an idiot judge or a commie one. Or both
Some of these judges need to be relieved of their duties. Bright and early Monday morning this order will be sticken down.
Along with that should be her future paychecks.
And if he doesn’t show up, what does she do? Send who to get him? For the first time in my life I’d actually side with federal law enforcement and would love to see what the Secret Service would do. ha ha ha ha ha ...
How about, send me some questions and I’ll think about answering them. I’m the leader of the free world, I have more important things to worry about. On second thought I will testify, when my term(s) as President is up. So, I’m thinking I’ll be there in what, 2024. Maybe. Can’t say for sure. I don’t know.
Well - Clinton was a sitting president and to some, the Paula Jones case was stupid and trivial...and he still had to give testimony. So - it's not unheard of.
So they think Trumps security wrongly roughed up KKK members?
This, after saying for years Trump is a white supremacist and closet KKK member?
This is priceless!
Big deal. I just ordered our President to give me a Million dollars. I expect the same response.
Now, the President is accountable to 30,000 state judges, in addition to 1,700 federal judges.
Can (and will) Barr order a judicial review of this judge?
Poor Doris,she’s got Shiff for brains and delusions of the hildebeast.
“...a protest in September 2015...”
“...Trump’s testimony is “indispensable” to the trial and so he must provide video testimony before the trial is set to begin Thursday...”
They have had 4 years to get ready and now they want Trump to jump through their hoop in 6 days?
The judiciary has turned into a nightmare. The founders’ should have dragged Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall out of the courthouse & bandished him.
Marshall aggressively took the courts way beyond any mandate that was envisioned. By the end of his term, the poison was already well established in the nation.
This **** is nothing new for New York. Read Tom Wolf's The Bonfire of the Vanities for a refresher.
Sounds like another “wise Latina”.
Doris can ESAD.
Executive Privilege.
End of story.
So I still do not understand or it is not clear why this Judge feels Trumps testimony is important..........Anyone know?