He is not just crazy, but stupid too.
Well, of course. Bernie’s tyranny is “Nice Totalitarianism”. Their tyranny is “Nasty Totalitarianism”.
(Bernie: “You think they ‘ll buy that?”)
Of course not. (Pay no attention to the fact that he went to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon.)
Bernie wants a kinder, gentler socialism. Sort of like a velvet dictatorship.
“Every worker in this country deserves a living wage.”
And then we’re going to take 60% of it to pay for those who refuse to work.
Bernie’s socialism is a stinking pile of poo ... and I don’t need to be lectured by anyone wanting me to stand in any mound of shit (with them) no matter how shallow they claim it is where they are standing ... they’re standing in crap!
“Everyone implemented socialism wrong in the past, but I know how to do it right!”
After 100+ years of failure, maybe — just maybe — there is no “right” way to implement socialism.
Well or course not. Barnie KNOWS how to do it the right way this time. Fookin’ idjit! And there are assclowns that still buy his crap. Some of them don’t even have three (4?) homes.
It’ll work THIS time because Bernie will be the one in charge...
We’ll call you a Hitlerian s**thead and then apologize. Would that make you feel better?
Note to Bernie and his fellow travelers: You don’t import 20+ years of El Salvador, Guatamala, Mexico, and the like.... and turn into Scandinavia.
“What we need now is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela so that the people of that country can make — can create their own future.”
It seems the people of Venezuela already made their country what it is!
Screw Bernie, and while we’re at it, screw all of the lying demonRATS.
Dem Soc means you get to choose your tyrant. But good luck getting rid of him!
You're a commie.
Sweden and Denmark continued Nazi policies of forced serialization for those deemed unworthy into the 1960s and 1970s. That fits with Bernie’s recent comments about support for 3rd world eugenics.
In other words he’ll be a nice all powerful emperor.
All Socialist ideas start off like Bernie but eventually end up like Venezuela.
The only Socialism that has ever worked is the Israeli Kibbutz system.
Israel was a dump after WW2 and it needed to be rebuilt from scratch.
The Kibbutz system gave people a community and a place call home as they rebuilt Israel.
It worked because if they didn’t unify, the Arabs would have taken the land back from them.
The Secret of Bernies Millions
How did he amass three houses and a net worth approaching at least $2 million? The surprisingly conventional middle-class climbing of a radical-sounding socialist.
May 24, 2019