Posted on 09/08/2019 9:20:34 AM PDT by george76
Robert Mueller was "the master when it came to covering up" 9/11
systemic efforts by the Saudi government to assist .. the 9/11 attacks
Mueller .. covered up evidence pointing back to the Saudi Embassy and Riyadh and may have even misled Congress about what he knew.
In October of 2001, Mueller shut down the governments investigation after only three weeks, and then took part in the Bush [administrations] campaign to block, obfuscate and generally stop anything about Saudi Arabia from being released..
FBI Agent Stephen Moore headed a 9/11 task force .. concluded that diplomatic and intelligence personnel of Saudi Arabia knowingly provided material support to the two hijackers and facilitated the 9/11 plot. Yet he and his team were not allowed to interview them
former FBI Agent John Guandolo, who worked terror cases out of the bureaus DC office, said then-Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar should have been treated as a terrorist suspect for giving money to a woman who funded two of the 9/11 hijackers. But he was never questioned either
Mueller obliged what Guandolo called an outrageous request from Bandar within days of the attacks to help evacuate from the country dozens of Saudi officials, including at least one Osama bin Laden relative on the terror watch list. Mueller assured their safe passage to planes.
In 2002, Mueller .. vacating the arrest warrant for Anwar al-Awlaki for passport fraud .. Shortly thereafter, the Fort Hood shooting occurred and Awlakis fingerprints were all over that
Any letting the Saudis off the hook came from the White House, former Agent Mark Rossini said. I can still see that photo of Bandar and Bush enjoying cigars on the balcony of the White House two days after 9/11.
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Mueller has always been an enemy
BRING IT ON!!! Mule Face MUST be brought to Justice....MUST BE!
He’s an errand boy for the Left. carried uranium for Hillary, water for the corrupt FBI, cluelessness to an extreme new level..
I agree...but the act of dementia he put on during the recent hearings will keep him from true justice.
Mueller has always been an enemy. A high up deep state enemy in America.
Mueller was also warned by Saudi Arabia, Russia and England about the Boston Bombers several times before the bombing.
FAKE dementia was his get out of jail free card.
Russia warned Mueller more than twice about the Muslim Boston Bombers and Mueller admitted to closing the cases.
Robert Mueller protected radical Islamists his whole career. ~Rep. Louie Gohmert.
-2- Hussein never said Islamic terrorists..
Russia has repeatedly warned about 9/11 since June, 2001. Last time just two days prior to attack.
The warnings were ignored as alleged attempts “to manipulate”.
The same was a reason why warnings on Boston bombers were ignored. In case of Boston bombing situation aggravated by the fact that the whole terrorist family was brought to US by a deputy CIA chief. Bombers’ uncle is his son in law.
The oldest brother’s wife’s grandfather was in Bush’s Skull and Cross Bones and CIA links. She’s walking free.
That’s the point. CIA is all over it. Rogue or incompetent or both. The wife was in a small apartment with brothers as they were preparing. She knew everything and walks free.
Mueller, and Many deep state, deserves the rope.
I’m always amazed when George Bush Junior appears in public to stutter and stammer something about the need for open borders...or that Trump is bad.
I’m amazed that he could take his lips off of a bottle or off of a Saudi prince’s unit long enough to say anything at all.
George W. Bushs Islam is peace speech at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. six days after 9/11 was willful ignorance, after 1,400 years of jihad warfare..
As Americans still searched the smoking ruins for the remains of their loved ones, Bush’s submission to Dawa, as if the 9/11 attacks had been perpetrated by Americans targeting Muslims.
Grover Norquist’s ties to Islamic supremacists and Jihadists have been known for years .. Norquist arranged for an incurious president George W. to meet with fifteen Islamic supremacists at the White House on September 26, 2001 ..
What should have been the most important teaching moment of the long war became a propaganda tool for Islam. A singular opportunity was squanded.
CIA Director’s son and best friend of Saudi royals being ignorant of anything doesn’t square with his background.
The Saudis were lucky to have such a weak useless little man as POTUS at that time. Not only did the runt let them get away with their role in 9-11, he then dispatched American soldiers to die for the Saudi cause of removing Saddam Hussein - while military-age Saudi men hung out in shopping malls or did donuts in their Lamborghinis.
“In October of 2001, Mueller shut down the governments investigation after only three weeks, and then took part in the Bush [administrations] campaign to block, obfuscate and generally stop anything about Saudi Arabia from being released..”
Amazing how much damage the two Bush administrations did to this country. George H.W. Bush stopped the Reagan revolution in its tracks. He was also the architect of NAFTA and pushed the free trade architecture (WTO) that allowed China to gut US manufacturing. He also failed to enforce the border after the 1 time Reagan amnesty. He put David Souter on the Supreme Court. Son George H.W. Bush gave us John Roberts as Chief Justice and tried to slip in another Souter in Harriet Miers. He couldn’t find his veto pen when Congress under the pedophile GOP Speaker Hastert went on an earmark spending spree. The national debt doubled under son George. Son George allowed the Saudis to be whisked out of the US after 9/11 when air travel was shut down for the American people. His failed attempt at another general amnesty for illegals failed but he was successful in continuing the lax immigration enforcement policies of his father and Bill Clinton. His “compassionate conservatism” turned out to be a turn the other cheek defense when the conservative agenda was under vicious attack. When it came time to fight the leftist agenda, both Bushes were missing in action as POTUS.
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