Posted on 05/22/2019 10:27:55 AM PDT by Eleutheria5
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The United States called Wednesday for dismantling UNRWA, weeks before unveiling the economic aspects of its long-awaited Middle East peace plan.
Addressing the UN Security Council, US adviser Jason Greenblatt said UNRWA was a "bandaid" and that it was time to hand over services assured by the UN agency to countries hosting the Palestinian Arab refugees and NGOs.
"The UNRWA model has failed the Palestinian people," Greenblatt told the council.
Last year, President Donald Trump's administration cut all funding to UNRWA, arguing that it was flawed as Washington pressed ahead with work on proposals for an Arab-Israeli solution
Greenblatt, who along with Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is drafting the peace proposals, said it was time to "start a conversation about planning the transition of UNRWA services to host governments, or to other international or local non-governmental organizations, as appropriate."
Founded in 1949, UNRWA provides education and health services to some five million refugees and their descendants in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria. The organization has faced criticism for expanding the definition the refugee to include all descendants of refugees regardless of whether they have received citizenship in another country.
The United States will hold a conference in Bahrain next month focused on the economic aspects of the peace plan that Greenblatt said has the "potential to unlock a prosperous future for the Palestinians."
"It would be a mistake for the Palestinians not to join us. They have nothing to lose and much to gain if they do join us. But it is, of course, their choice,"...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
1. Kept hate alive; 2. Kept Palestinians in refugee camps, and away from gainful employment, education, or the option of assimilating into their host countries. 3. Administered refugee camps in the middle of Jerusalem, Judah and Samariah, and even Ghaza. Riddle me this, Greenblatt. When is a refugee camp not a refugee camp? 4. Taught Palestinian children important life skills, such as throwing rocks, strangling kittens, and making and throwing firebombs. 5. Milked the UN, US and EU for billions of dollars. 6. Blocked progress for generations. 7. Transformed the face of the Middle East from an angry scowl to an even angrier scowl. 8. Kept the UNHRC from doing its job of improving the quality of life for refugees. 9. Redefined refugee status as a form of perverse aristocratic pedigree passed on through the ages. 10. Indirectly taught Israeli children to keep their heads down and eyes and ears open, and not pick up seemingly harmless toys on the street.
Inciting violence is the very least of UNRWA's accomplishments. Even terror organizations can do that. UNRWA's contribution transcends such mundane endeavors.
How about we dismantle the u.n. altogether? Works for me.
You forgot to list having the GAYEST LOOKING PERSON in the world running the operation.
One step at a time. You don’t want to let the frog get wise to the fact that he’s being boiled alive. Just up the heat slowly. Today, UNRWA. Tomorrow UNICEF. When the Security Council is all that’s left, the job will be only half done./joking?
Just turn off the money spigot...oh and turn the NYC U.N. building into condos.
Really? Gayer-looking than Tiny Tim or Mayor Buttigieg? Show us a pic. There goes my nice round number.
The pic is there in the article, TOTALLY GAY.
Peace in "Palestine" would have been reached decades ago were it not for the UNRWA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, France, Germany and the rest of the Israel hating countries pouring billions of dollars into the coffers of the PLO and Hamas, like gasoline onto a fire. They could not care less about the "Palestinians". It's about their hate for Israel and Jews. Some of the Arab nations actually seem to be ready to abandon Hamas and the PA, but there hasn't been so much hate for the Jews in Europe since the Nazis were defeated.
If somehow, Kushner and Trump are able to make a deal, Europe and the UN will do their best to sabotage it, as will the democrats.
Thanks Eleutheria5.
Only thing I saw in the article was a pic of Greenblatt, who doesn’t look gay.
Is this Mr. UNRWA?
I agree that the guy in Post 9 is definitely a bad ass, but it’s not the picture that I see when I click on the article. Instead it’s a bald guy who looks, well, gay. Maybe they’re feeding us different pictures.
The bald guy is US Envoy to UN Jason Greenblatt. Doesn’t look gay to me.
‘The bald guy is US Envoy to UN Jason Greenblatt. Doesnt look gay to me.’
He’s sure got me fooled then.
Horrors, if the UN dismantles UNWRA the handful of surviving refugees, not their real or fake descendants will be handled by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Like the 65 million or so non palestinian refugees around the world today. Refugees, not purported grand and great grand refugees. That's not fair, palestinians are special and deserve special treatment.
Something like 750 mm people want to move to someplace in the world. 450 mm of those want to come here, and the remainder to Europe.
Don’t remember where I picked that up/
UNHCR will find them jobs and homes, and then they won’t be special anymore.
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