Posted on 05/13/2019 3:12:50 PM PDT by detective
Do you remember where you were on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima in 1981?
May 13, a remarkable day in history. Today, we mark the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima on May 13, 1917, to the three small shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Also, it was 38 years ago today that John Paul II was shot in St. Peters Square.
Where Were You 38 Years Ago? Do you know where you were 38 years ago today, May 13, 1981?
Well, let me tell you about that day, one I'll never forget a day the world, the Church, will never forget. A day the world stood still.
I was on my way to St. Peter's Square for the 5 p.m. general audience at which Pope John Paul had just begun to preside. The weather had been very warm and the Vatican had moved the audiences from the hot noonday sun to a later time in the afternoon.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Pope JP II attributed his survival to Divine intervention.
Two professional gunmen were positioned at point blank range to assassinate the Pope. Miraculously one ran away. The other, though a professional killer and firing from only a couple of feet away from the Pope, was unable to kill him. If the trajectory of the bullets had changed by a fraction of an inch the Pope would have been dead.
On that day the world witnesses a miracle.
And have you noticed that the Communists aren’t interested in shooting Bergoglio? That’s because he’s one of them!
John Paul was such a dear loving man. We need him now.
I remember the day well.
Pope John Paul II was the best pope of my lifetime. He was a very remarkable man.
.......... 1981 ...... The same year President Reagan was shot ........
I am not a Catholic and I am impressed by Pope John Paul II.
He was truly a man of God.
Shot by a Turk - whom The Pope later forgave - hired by the KGB using the Bulgarians as proxies. Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes.
Wow that was fast, I was in Marine Corps boot camp MCRD San Diego, about 4 miles from where I sit writing this.
The Popemobile !
Amen to that.
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