Posted on 05/05/2019 10:39:55 AM PDT by bitt
If Hillary Clinton had won her rigged 2016 Presidential election and was then inaugurated as POTUS 45, America would have entered a very dark period. It's unlikely The Republic would have survived it. As Rex explains, Obama had already started building a totalitarian system. Clinton would have turned it into a dictatorship.
Historians always remind us that in order to understand the present, we need to study the past.
I'm going to add another angle - in order to predict the future, we need to study the present, as well.
Over the last two weeks and today, America has witnessed very disturbing - and revealing - behavior by the Democrats in Congress.
Be under no illusion. In a last ditch stand, a desperate Obama and Clinton, who by now know what is coming, are directing everything we are seeing. They are controlling the Democrats in Congress, as well as the narratives being parroted by their lugenpresse.
It may be too late for them now but in my view, they will still instruct their slaves to impeach President Donald J Trump. They know that there is no chance of success, but that isn't the point. It's a political 'hail mary' pass. Fast running out of options, they will use impeachment to continue smearing the President with lies and innuendo, for as long as they can, to distract their exhausted base and influence the 2020 Presidential election.
Stalin's Lavrentiy Beria and Hitler's Josef Goebbels would be proud of their efforts, if they were alive to witness the appalling spectacle we are watching.
Why? Because Obama and Clinton are using totalitarian tactics, that they mastered. And like Beria and Goebbels, Obama and Clinton will fail. However, they will try to cause as much damage on the way out, as they can.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Obama was never eligible.
Usurpation Day is when it ended.
What’s going on now is the struggle to restore it.
Hillary wanted amnesty for the Dreamers.
Trump just let them stay instead.
and both the Infiltrator in Chief Obummer... and HilLIARy....were heavily funded by the DNC Puppetmeister SorozNazi
“Follow the Money” and you’ll find your answers, especially in the politics of power and control
American style GOOD VERSUS EVIL. The RATS are working hard to restore the evil of the past administration.
If Hillary Clinton had won Obama would have removed her and blackmailed Ryan into letting him stay on ,LOL
The problem is that theyve started the process in motion and their foot soldiers are happily implementing it and continuing to do so - possibly with Obama running things in the shadows but I think hes just a figurehead for the actual operators.
Youll need to squash them to stop this once and for all.
I think some folks are going to be losing their right to vote unless Bernie gets elected.
We missed this by76,000 votes. That is too close for comfort. We need to get more on the Trump Train.
“And like Beria and Goebbels, Obama and Clinton will fail. However, they will try to cause as much damage on the way out, as they can.”
Please pray, every day, for the safety and strength of PDJT, Melania and Barron. (His adult kids are on their own, LOL!)
Life under ‘She Who Shall Not Be Named’ would’ve been awful!
Isn’t nearly 50 years in the public eye enough for that beotch? Good Lord! Go HOME and STAY THERE, you evil Witch!
Nuclear war with Russia.
We are in a very dark period.
Interesting piece, thank you. Two names to remember: Stalin’s Lavrentiy Beria and Hitler’s Josef Goebbels. Oldeconomybuyer should note the former.
“always remember that Obama was a very dangerous and radical ideologue. Essentially a marxist, his ideological position was founded on government control of the masses, as well as the distribution of power and government revenues, along ideological lines. His platform was transformative and revolutionary - the aim was to subsume the American Republic into a global coalition of borderless, ‘post nation-state’ regional entities.”
Aided by a few useful idiots in the GOP.
Wow. Scary stuff, brilliantly and clearly laid out. My only question is, was Obama acting on his own or were his strings being pulled by yet more shadowy figures in the background?
His part was to be an UNTOUCHABLE. Someone who could get away with a lot simply because he was black.
It helped that the Republicans were a bunch of wimps afraid of being called “racist”. President Trump won because he did not care what they called him.
But back to your original point, who is he (or them) behind the curtain. I don’t know. But I am certain there is someone controlling many of those in Congress.
Understand that none of this is wild speculation, it's simply an extrapolation of things both she and 0bama actually did. Weaponized government? Check. Weaponized intelligence bureau? Check. Weaponized law enforcement? Check. Massive crony capitalism? Check. Punitive taxation? Check. Environmental totalitarianism? Check. War on the middle class and on flyover country? Check. That, at a bare minimum, is what it would have been like.
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