Drain the swamp!
A little sunshine helps dry up the swamp.
Why doesn’t the Governor just ignore them and go ahead with his plans?
Fish and Wildlife don’t have their own army like other agencies, do they?
Kick the recalcitrant Feds the hell out of the state and do the work yourself.
If the agency has a liberal tilt when a new conservative director is appointed by the next president, they can either lie low or perhaps even take quiet actions to thwart (or at least slow down) new policies of the incoming leadership. And if they wait long enough, another president from the other party will be elected sooner or later and they can return to business as usual.
This isn’t rocket science. The state of Alaska has a bureaucracy. Use it.
Declare the buildings where the federal fascists work as infestations. Send in a team of bug chasers to spray everyday for the next 30 days.
Send your state cops to ticket every federal fascist for speeding, illegal parking, busted taillights and running red lights. Their licenses will be suspended in days.
Federal fascists use federal laws against us; use state laws against the federal fascists to shut them down.
Been going on a LONG time in the FedGov eco-related agencies. Washington State agents planted lynx hairs to indicate the presence of an endangered species so as to bring land under the auspices of the Endangered Species Act. Also the “spotted owl” fiasco. And on and on and on.
If it hasn’t happened already, US F&W ought to freeze new hires and start downsizing through attrition. Probably upper and middle management would be the place to start.
In most government departments supervisors’ span of control is too small. Too few people reporting to a given supervisor. IMO, unless they have substantial other responsibilities, no supervisor should have fewer than 10-15 direct reports. These numbers can be significantly larger if most of the subordinates have similar responsibilities.
No doubt the deep state is entrenched in F&W just as it is in virtually every other government bureaucracy. It takes some management folks with big ones to suffer the slings and arrows of downsizing, but it can be done if you put the right people in the right places.
...Article reads.....career federal employees he said were intentionally sabotaging efforts to sell off parts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling”...
Fire them!
If they can’t be fired then form a sub department of Useless slugs that can’t be fired. Make them work on that little island next to Russia. Have them walk buckets of water from one side of the island to the other and back until the ocean is drained.
Obama corrupted the entire government...
“When you consider these patterns in hiring and retention and the sort of people who would likely be attracted to the Fish and Wildlife Service (environmentalists), are Governor Dunleavys accusations really all that shocking?”
Absolutely not. It’s been the modus operandi of the Democrats forever. They pack all the departments with their people. They stuff the departments full of bureaucrats they can manipulate at will.
They use the departments of government to stash personnel they can transfer as needed to manipulate other departments they need manipulated for their purpose. They keep their people on the taxpayer payroll for use as needed. We could save a fortune in government cost simply by cleaning out these leftist loyalists in government the Democrats have on hold. We don’t need them. They aren’t doing anything constructive.
If they can be identified, they should be fired.
When Bill Clinton was in office, Bruce Babbitt was
Sec of Interior.
A multi generational Ariz rancher, Babbit was a GREENIE from the first jump.
He & Clinton infused the Interior with hundreds of hard core GREENIES and those original groups have multiplied.
They are strangling land that belongs to the people & to private citizens.
Those seeds planted in the 90’s are bearing fruit in more ways than one.
I want them in Alaska by the end of the day. Send them their clothes.
Move them to Arizona for the important rattlesnake census
HOORAY Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy!