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Mueller Report Subpoena Will Test Our Criminal Justice System

Posted on 04/03/2019 12:46:43 PM PDT by onyx

RUSH: All right. Now, this, folks, is gonna be a real test of where we are. This is gonna be a real test of the American judiciary and our criminal, legal justice system. We’re going to find out quite a bit here. I don’t know about you, but I’m not all that confident what ought to happen here is going to happen. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Greetings. Great to have you. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. The telephone number is 800-282-2882.

Folks, I have to be honest with you. I’m not in a foul mood today. I’ve just had so many damn distractions this morning. As I have tried to remain focused on meeting and surpassing audience expectations I’ve had distractions I wouldn’t even dare tell you what they involve, because you would say, “Get your mind right, Rush. Put all that stuff out of your head and focus!”

Well, hey, folks, I’ve been doing that for 30 years. Occasionally I have a bad day. It’s gotten to the point, like I’ve got story here that I just received, and it ticks me off so much, I don’t even want to talk about it! But it deserves to be talked about. It requires being discussed. But it just ticks me off. It literally makes me mad that I gotta talk about it. So that’s coming up in a few minutes.

I’m tired of the Biden stuff ’cause I know the guy is not gonna be the nominee, even though I hope he is! But I’m getting tired of Cortez and dealing with the absolute lunacy of this woman and the attempt to make her something serious. Now, normally I’m able to laugh at this stuff. But today I’m not laughing because of these stupid distractions I’ve had to deal with today.

And, no, I’m not gonna tell you what they are because you would just think that it’s my fault and I should just brush it aside. As I say, most days I’m able to do that. For 30 years I’ve been able to do that. Today for some reason I haven’t been able to get rid of being ticked off about it.

Nobody does anything right anymore. Nobody does anything even pursuing quality or excellence, and then people tell you they have done what you asked them to do and you find out you haven’t done it and it just — I gotta dial it back even now. I gotta dial it back even now. No, it’s none of you on the highly, highly overrated staff. They’re all panicked in there, “What did Rush ask me to do?” No, no. It’s a distraction. It has nothing to do with any of this.

This is one of these days I should have stayed in bed ’til 10 o’clock, not had any distractions, come in here a hundred percent focused on the show and then deal with all this stuff later. Plus, I gotta pack. I hate packing. I despise it. “Well, why don’t you have somebody else pack?” Because I have to try everything on. I’m losing weight or gaining weight. I just can’t say, “Pack that.” It may not fit that week. So I have to do it all myself. You pay people to do all this stuff and they can’t do it!

Anyway. The Mueller report. This is where we’re gonna find out what our criminal justice system is or has become. The House Judiciary Committee led by the august, the eminent, and the formally substantial Jerrold Nadler has finally subpoenaed the full, unredacted Mueller report as well as every piece of toilet paper that Mueller used to put it together.

He wants everything. He wants the paper clips. He wants the scratch notes. He wants the computer notes. He wants the toilet paper. He wants what was in the shredder. He wants virtually everything that they collected during this investigation because to them nothing’s over. Why, this is just the beginning! That’s the new mantra.

If we wanted to, we could put together a montage. But that’s another thing. Everybody’s stolen the montage idea so now I’m tired of doing montages ’cause everybody else does ’em. But we could have had one today of everybody on the left and the media talking about, “This is just the beginning,” meaning the Mueller report has been presented. There’s no evidence of collusion, ’cause there never was and there isn’t any obstruction. Mueller finally said so. So did Barr. But no. Ho-ho no. That doesn’t end anything. No, no, no, no, no. This is just the beginning. And the beginning is the subpoenaing of everything to do with the Mueller report.

Now, remember, folks, this first started with Nadler pretending to be angry about having to wait 10 more days for the attorney general to redact the report. The attorney general always said he was gonna send a redacted version up to Congress. That’s always been the case. Nadler didn’t want to wait. He didn’t want to wait for Barr to redact. And you know why? Because he’s convinced, and the Democrats are convinced, that there is evidence of collusion, that there is evidence that Trump is a Russian spy, that there is evidence that Trump stole the election. They think there’s evidence in there, and they think that’s what some of the stuff Barr will be redacting. So they don’t want to wait.

They’re insane, folks. We’re dealing with genuine insanity. And I’m not using it as a term or a figure of speech. We’re dealing here with people who literally have been poisoned with their own hatred juices. Every bit of body juice that they secrete, I don’t care for what purpose, is been poisoned. Their precious bodily fluids — there’s a recycling effort there, and it’s just gonna end up poisoning all of us and the very bloodstream that keeps this country going.

Anyway, so they’re upset, don’t want to wait for Barr to redact. Nadler wanted it yesterday. This is after waiting 625 days for Mueller to complete his so-called investigation, which wasn’t an investigation. It was a coup. The Mueller investigation could have been completed in a couple of days. Certainly a couple of weeks.

Mueller has known for a year and a half there was no collusion. So they waited over two years. Now they cannot wait two weeks for the redacted version of the report. It quickly evolved to a demand for the full report with no redactions. And now the demand is for not only the unredacted report, but all of the underlying material which also cannot be redacted — probably amounts to millions of pages of documents — and they want everything there is.

Now, bear in mind, this was a counterintelligence investigation, folks. You remember we’ve had made this point. It was not a criminal investigation. Meaning that there was not a singular crime as required by DOJ regulations. This is something else that makes this whole shebang a meaningless, worthless political hit job.

Normally when you name a special counsel, you have to charge him with pursuing a crime. That’s why he’s impaneled. That did not happen here. There was no crime. The letter charging Mueller with responsibility for what he was to do from Rosenstein didn’t specify anything. It was a counterintelligence investigation, and those are much different than criminal investigations.

A criminal investigation is looking for evidence that can be used to convict or exonerate. A counterintelligence investigation is not searching for evidence. It’s searching for tips. It’s searching for bits of information that then analysts look at, intelligence analysts, and determine its value. And then those people assign that value to whatever they’ve learned, but it isn’t about pursuing crime. You know, trying to detect how the Russians are spying on us is not trying to detect Russian crime. It’s trying to detect Russian intelligence operations or Chinese or what have you.

And that’s what this was. This was a counterintelligence investigation. Therefore, the documents that are accompanying this report are bound to include intelligence agency methods and sources that are probably national security secrets. They do not have evidence of crime because Mueller didn’t find any! But what do the Democrats in the House Intelligence Committee care about revealing our national security secrets to the world. They don’t care about that if it means getting Trump.

Nadler says that his committee and the Gang of Eight should get national security secrets here because they get them all the time, which is why national security secrets are leaked all the time, especially when you realize that Adam Schiff is one of the Gang of Eight.

There’s also grand jury material — I’m sure you’ve heard about this — grand jury material is by law secret. It cannot be divulged. It must be redacted in whatever is presented. But the subpoena is for everything unredacted, including grand jury material.

This subpoena — and this is the crossroads — this subpoena is demanding that the nation’s number one law enforcement officer, the attorney general, violate the law. In a nutshell, that’s what the Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee are demanding, that the attorney general, William Barr, violate the law.

Mueller was working with a grand jury. There are, therefore, grand jury interviews. There are grand jury tertiary witnesses, secondary witnesses, a bunch of people that contributed nothing, salacious questions and answers that had nothing to do with the eventual outcome.

Nadler and the Democrats want all of that made public because they just know, they just know there’s evidence of Trump having affairs. They just know there’s evidence in there that Trump is a Russian agent. They just know that there’s evidence in there that Vladimir Putin is running Trump. They just know it. Witness interviews, all kinds of unsubstantiated claims can be made. People can lie through their teeth if they want to as long as they don’t get — oh. Did you see — I wish we’d a had this yesterday. We don’t need to it. Cookie, don’t go get it. Once I mention this I’m not gonna go back to it.

Yesterday Comey’s interview at CNN, Christiane Amanpour actually asked him if the FBI could have stepped in and arrested people at Trump rallies shouting “lock her up.” That participants, that the audience at Trump rallies shouting “lock her up” were committing a crime and it’s a hate crime and couldn’t the FBI have moved in there and arrested ’em all and made ’em stop doing it.


Christiane Amanpour! I know she grew up in Iran where they do that to citizens, but she left Iran at age 11. This is how dumb, stupid, and ignorant Drive-By Media journalists have become. (interruption) No, she didn’t ask about Kathy Griffin being arrested for having the fake decapitation. No, no, no, no. This is simply about asking if people at a Trump rally shouting “lock her up” could be arrested. If the FBI could go in there during a rally and make ’em stop it.

And Comey, amazingly, said (paraphrasing), “I’m sorry, Christiane, but that’s not a function of government, to control speech.” And she said, “Really, well, the government could control hate speech, I thought.” No, the government generally doesn’t try to control speech, Christiane. It’s called the First Amendment. You might, ahem, want to read it. I mean, when you’re dealing with this kind of stupidity, how the hell can you ever win?

So, anyway, the Democrats and Nadler want every bit of salacious dirt and they want the attorney general, they are demanding with this subpoena that he violate the law. Now, there are people who believe — here’s where we’re at the crossroads or the real test point here. There are people saying that this subpoena demanding that Barr break the law and turn over everything is just a stunt, that Nadler knows full well that Barr’s not gonna turn this stuff over, as he’s demanding it.

And there are people saying no judge, not even an Obama appointed judge is going to embarrass themselves by allowing Congress to break the law and order the release of unredacted national security secrets and grand jury material. I am not sure. I am not confident that they can’t find a judge who will rule that Barr must release everything.

These people are so far gone, they have become so consumed with near rabid hatred, and not just the Democrats in Congress, but Democrat leftist judges, Democrat leftist voters, Democrat leftist journalists, Democrat leftist professors and teachers, that this is a crossroads, because this is obviously going to go to court.

The White House is going to say, and the attorney general is gonna say, “I can’t give you everything you are demanding here. It’s a violation of the law. We do not divulge national security secrets. We do not and cannot divulge grand jury material.” Somebody’s gonna take this refusal to court under the premise that they will be able to find a judge who will force Barr to break the law because of the special circumstances dictated by Trump’s presidency.

The nation is so threatened, the nation is so imperiled, the nation is hanging by a thread, that getting rid of Trump trumps everything else, including the Constitution, including the law. So where some people say this is just a Nadler stunt, no judge will embarrass him- or herself by demanding the attorney general respond to it, I’m not so sure. We’ll just have to wait and see. Nadler and the Democrats, it is said, know this.

By the way, Nadler has said that the subpoena will not be submitted until he personally approves it. You mean he’s chairman of the committee, and he hasn’t approved it yet? What the hell was the vote for? And then Nadler said, “Well, I’m going to withhold sending this subpoena to the attorney general. I’m gonna give him one more chance to comply.”

We don’t know how long Nadler is going to wait for Barr to comply. A lot of veterans of the D.C. swamp: “Rush, don’t sweat it. Just a stunt. Nadler knows this subpoena is worthless. You listen to Professor Dershowitz. Everybody’s saying that there’s no way, there’s no way.”

How many things have happened since Trump was nominated and then elected that people said, “No way would the Democrats ever try this. No way would a judge ever.” And it’s all happened. This is gonna be a real fascinating thing to watch, as far as I’m concerned.


RUSH: Okay. Just to reiterate here because I went a little long, it’s a brief segment here.

Everything Nadler is asking for is prohibited by law. Anything other than a redacted version as submitted by Barr — it’s a party-line vote in the House Judiciary Committee. Democrats only voted to subpoena everything. Redacted material, the supporting accompanying documents, it doesn’t matter how irrelevant they are, grand jury material, well over a million pages of stuff they’re wanting basically because they don’t trust Barr and they don’t trust Mueller now.

And they are convinced that there’s something in there that they can use to further their effort to get rid of Trump. What they’re asking for is a violation of law. Barr will object to sending them all of this stuff. If it goes to court, people are assuring me, “Rush, don’t sweat it. There isn’t a judge in the world that is going to authorize the violation of law. There isn’t a judge in the world, even an Obama judge, that’s gonna make Barr break the law,” the attorney general.

Well, that’s when we had backstops, and that’s when we had guaranteed institutions of reliability. But you think they can’t find a judge somewhere that would demand Mueller and Barr break the law by giving Nadler everything he wants? I’m not so sure, see.


RUSH: Here is Bret Baier earlier today on American Newsroom, Bill Hemmer’s show on the Fox News Channel. And Hemmer’s question: “Hey, Nadler’s making the case that they’re not gonna give this report to the public. If what Nadler is subpoenaing, if he gets it, if he gets everything, unredacted, if he gets everything, Nadler is assuring everybody that it won’t be made public.”

Nadler is out there saying some things that are not true. Nadler is saying that his committee has oversight responsibility of the presidency and as such they need to see everything Trump’s doing every day practically to make sure that — that’s not his job. That is such overreach.

Nadler doesn’t have near the oversight that he thinks he has. He can’t sit in daily judgment of any president’s daily performance, like Mueller shouldn’t have been able to do. But Bret Baier makes the point here that if this thing ends up up there, if an unredacted, full-fledged report ends up at the House Judiciary Committee, then it is gonna end up being made public no matter how much Nadler says that it won’t be.

BAIER: Exactly. Listen, if an unredacted version goes up, an unredacted version is going to get out. Washington is a leaky place. The only place that doesn’t leak is the U.S. Supreme Court. And, frankly, Bob Mueller’s team did a pretty good job of not leaking. The other point to make is that Mueller was working with Barr. The second letter points out that special counsel was working alongside Barr to make the redactions.

RUSH: Yeah, we made that point yesterday that Barr and — hell. These people all know each other. They’re all denizens of the swamp to one degree or another, and they were working together to redact the report, illustrating a spirit of cooperation.

Here comes Jerry Nadler trundling into that relationship, demanding you guys step aside, let me see your work, I need to see it all, I demand to see it all, here’s a subpoena. I’m telling you, folks, just gonna mention this one more time. All this conventional wisdom that no judge in the world would ever authorize the full release unredacted of this, no judge would ever — maybe five years ago and further ago, but today? Ha.

We obviously have a bunch of judges in the judiciary who are as dumb as Cortez and as uninformed and ill-informed as half the other Democrat elected officials we have in this country today. So whereas you used to be able to say that the law stood for something, how about the law at the border? What good is that?


RUSH: So I just had a chance to catch a little bit of this guy, Eric Swalwell. He is a member of Congress from California, Democrat. He’s on television, Eric Swalwell. And he’s being asked why should the attorney general break the law? Why should the attorney general break the law, send the committee everything in the report, including grand jury material unredacted? And his answer?

(paraphrasing) “Well, the American people paid for this report.” And he said, “Look, I was in high school when the Starr Report came out, I don’t want to talk about that, I don’t know anything about that, but the American people paid for this report and just because the report comes from the committee doesn’t mean that it’s all gonna be made public.” ha-ha-ha

Are you telling me the Democrats on the committee get this whole thing unredacted and it isn’t gonna leak? You know this Swalwell guy, I’ll tell you, I looked at this guy ’cause he’s smarmy. And I saw him in an interview on Fox a couple weeks ago slickly trying to turn the tables on the woman interviewing him and so forth, and I said, who is this guy? I’ve seen him on MSNBC. Who is this guy?

So I went and looked at him. He hasn’t done anything. We’re looking at the next Joe Biden. I’m not talking about, you know, the grope business. But somebody that’s in Washington for 75 years and has never, ever done anything else, just is a denizen of the swamp. And in all those years becomes a so-called expert in everything the left believes.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: barrreport; democrats; dnctalkingpoint; dnctalkingpoints; house; housejudiciary; jamescomey; jerrynadler; lisapage; mediawingofthednc; muellerreport; muellerrptsubpoena; nadler; partisanmediashills; peterstrzok; presstitutes; releaseitalready; robertmueller; rush; rushlimbaugh; rushlive; rushtranscript; smearmachine; subpoenaunredacted
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To: onyx
The test is how low the criminals that infest the House will go with this. I have a feeling all this legal dueling is gonna be for naught anyway. What I'm expecting is that some deepstater in the bowels of the DOJ will fall on their sword to leak the report out in its entirety, and that will be that.

21 posted on 04/03/2019 3:34:45 PM PDT by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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To: Revel

Does any sane person believe that, after Mueller and his hand-picked team of Democrat hit men couldn’t manufacture or find evidence of collusion, Jabba the hut is going to prove collusion? When moderates and independents figure that out, President Trump will win 2020 in a landslide (no matter how many vote harvested illegals vote in California).

22 posted on 04/03/2019 4:03:38 PM PDT by OrioleFan (Republicans believe every day is July 4th, Democrats believe every day is April 15th.)
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To: All




<><> handover all communications from Obama WRT the Trump campaign;
<><> the public release of any and all communication about the decision not to indict Hillary Clinton.
<><> the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the particulars into Hillary Clinton’s email use;
<><> the release of all Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications related to Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
<><> release of all opposition research the pee dossier compiled against candidate Trump;
<><> list the number of spies sent into the Trump campaign;
<><> a compilation of false accusations made against the Trump campaign;
<><> the release of all communications regarding the Obama apparat’s decision to promote fake allegations against the president;
<><> detailed legal assessment into whether there was misuse of elected office;
<><> a complete list of all the actors who constructed the Russian-collusion fairy tale;
<><> testimony under oath of Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan;
<><> testimony under oath of Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.

Call President Trump: Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414
email at
@POTUS or @realDonaldTrump on Twitter



23 posted on 04/03/2019 4:08:17 PM PDT by Liz ( Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use. testimony nder)
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To: RockyTx

First of all there is precedent; if Dems can demand and get grand jury testimony even if relevant and irrelevant to the main subject, then they can and will get their hands on future grand jury testimonies. Second of all, there are meandering things asked by Prosecutors and things said by people being asked (like rumors) that can be used (twisted) against Trump in the name of revelation.

24 posted on 04/03/2019 4:20:58 PM PDT by Bigtigermike
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To: DoodleDawg

You should ask a mod to delete this false post.

25 posted on 04/03/2019 6:22:42 PM PDT by an amused spectator (Mitt Romney, Chuck Schumer's p*ssboy)
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To: Revel

Under the Special Prosecutor law, (which congress allowed to expire), Ken Starr was required to present his report, (the whole report), to congress. The Dems, Nadler et. al., were incensed that the full report was given to congress and the house voted to release it all to the public.

26 posted on 04/03/2019 6:53:13 PM PDT by usnavy_cop_retired (Retiree in the P.I. living as a legal immigrant)
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To: onyx

Don’t worry, I’ll have it to you in 625 days.

27 posted on 04/03/2019 7:04:15 PM PDT by Revolutionary ("Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!")
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To: usnavy_cop_retired

Did the report contain Grand Jury information or justifiably Classified information.

28 posted on 04/03/2019 9:31:28 PM PDT by Revel
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To: onyx
gotta believe in something but our justice system ain't one of them.

You can believe in the tooth fairy and get better results.

Oh, unless you are a protected race and class then the justice department will take care of you.

29 posted on 04/04/2019 1:53:40 AM PDT by eartick (Stupidity is expecting the government that broke itself to go out and fix itself. Texan for TEXIT!)
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To: Revel

I don’t think so,but I have not researched that part.

30 posted on 04/04/2019 3:28:27 AM PDT by usnavy_cop_retired (Retiree in the P.I. living as a legal immigrant)
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To: Revel

I can picture Barr responding with going after those trying to use the legal system to commit illegals acts....especially if they really push him hard....he showed utter disdain for them during the confirmation bloviation show.

31 posted on 04/04/2019 4:06:57 AM PDT by trebb (Don't howl about illegal leeches while not donating to FR - it's hypocritical.)
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To: DoodleDawg

Start was empaneled under a different statute.
But honesty and intellect have never been your strong points, have they?

32 posted on 04/04/2019 7:00:49 AM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: grey_whiskers

Starr. Dann you autocorrect.

33 posted on 04/04/2019 7:01:31 AM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: RockyTx

400 Lawyers plus staffers in Congress. Once they start parsing, the phrase, “President Trump is completely innocent of any crime.” will mean the opposite in the papers and on TV.

34 posted on 04/05/2019 8:44:03 AM PDT by steve8714
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To: onyx

This is just a Dem stunt. By law the AG has no responsibility to release any of the report to the public. He can release a 4 page summary and call it a day.

35 posted on 04/06/2019 6:38:30 AM PDT by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
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