1 posted on
03/20/2019 6:57:39 AM PDT by
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To: EdnaMode
She should tell her husband to keep his opinions to himself while she’s working for POTUS, or Trump should fire her.
2 posted on
03/20/2019 7:01:18 AM PDT by
(Being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry)
To: EdnaMode
Ok...NOW this is really starting to look like a setup.....hhhhmmmm
3 posted on
03/20/2019 7:01:50 AM PDT by
(White Privilege EQUALS Self Control & working 50-80 hrs/wk for 40 years!)
To: EdnaMode
4 posted on
03/20/2019 7:02:02 AM PDT by
(12/14 - 930am -rampage begins... 12/15 - 1030am - Obama's advance team scouts photo-op locations.)
To: EdnaMode
Trump buys Napalm in large quantities :)
5 posted on
03/20/2019 7:02:12 AM PDT by
(The Left should know if.. Trump is kicked out of office, it is WAR)
To: EdnaMode
You can tell that Mr. Kellyanne Conway really loves and respects his wife a whole lot.
6 posted on
03/20/2019 7:02:30 AM PDT by
(No wall? No vote.)
To: EdnaMode
To: EdnaMode
10 posted on
03/20/2019 7:05:31 AM PDT by
(Trump: Befuddling Democrats, Republicans, and the Media for the benefit of the US and all mankind.)
To: EdnaMode
Kind of surprised she hasn’t file for divorce by now.
11 posted on
03/20/2019 7:06:22 AM PDT by
(Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here of Citizen Parents_Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
To: EdnaMode
True, but Trump is not going to be running against Conway, McCain, Cohen, Stormy, etc. They are getting him off MAGA message.
15 posted on
03/20/2019 7:07:46 AM PDT by
(adical Islam,)
To: EdnaMode
He is what George would have called:
“A fat pussy toad”........
To: EdnaMode
Poor trump attacks from every freaking side!! The dictators from other countries are watching very closely!! Especially little rocket man, xi, and MADuro ! Why do you think they haven't caved? What could've been if our media and representatives would have been patriots of AMERICA FIRST and lovers of this country! WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN😢😢
To: EdnaMode
Funny, but I’m not sure that Trump should be publicly weighing in on the Conway’s marriage.
23 posted on
03/20/2019 7:15:06 AM PDT by
Pearls Before Swine
( "It's always a party when you're eating the seed corn.")
To: EdnaMode
Waiting for President Trump to roll the fat b@st@rd at the WH Easter Egg Roll!! MAGA!
24 posted on
03/20/2019 7:16:09 AM PDT by
(Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.)
To: EdnaMode
To: EdnaMode
I think they should cast that fat blowhard (sooo respectful of his wife—who could possibly figure out what she sees in him?) as Jabba the Hutt in the next Star Wars film. He wouldn’t need much in the way of makeup. Then have one of the characters beat the living tar out of him, claim it’s in the script.
29 posted on
03/20/2019 7:24:14 AM PDT by
To: EdnaMode
I’ve decided that Kellyanne is going along with, perhaps even asking for, the president’s “help” in trying to shut her lousy husband up.
To: EdnaMode
As much as I agree, this is not Presidential.
Trump needs to ask Kellyanne to resign immediately and just be done with it.
37 posted on
03/20/2019 7:34:24 AM PDT by
To: EdnaMode
In the words of Judge Bragg from Alas, Babyloon!, Mr. Conway is a "rancid tub of lard."
To: EdnaMode
Maybe they are REALLY trying to get him hired by the democrats
39 posted on
03/20/2019 7:35:58 AM PDT by
Mr. K
(No consequence of repealing Obamacare is worse than Obamacare itself.)
To: EdnaMode
from one of the Hill articles about G conway matter of offered a job and turneddown for it or did Conway refuse the offer::
“Im thinking to myself, this guy is going to be at war with the Justice Department for the next two years, Conway said. Im not doing this.
So G Conway doesn’t want to get involved in helping clear out the crap in Justice Dept? Leaves it to POTUS to handle while G Conway does everything he can to back stab Trump? Also G conway making his own wife look bad in the process?
“I’m not doing this” LOL G conway is no adult. Just wanted easy ride in this admin and publicity not real necessary work to restore USA. POTUS should just make replys to G Conway stuff in future saying he is not important or worth it, and ignore G Conway.
I find it odd Kellyanne remains married, works for POTUS while husband does all this to make things worse, and she makes no comments about it?
maybe this is all some sort of show for the media between the 3 of them?
40 posted on
03/20/2019 7:38:49 AM PDT by
(God Bless the USA)
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