Any special guest on or something?
Or the yoots are increasing her viewership.
Hope not.
They are trying to do to Trump what they did to Walker here in WI. Just keep the negativity going, keep bashing him, so his supporters will get discouraged and the Rat candidate wins.
Trump needs to drop the nuke showing that it was Obama behind it and wake people up.
Normal people are leaving cable.
Less intelligent people aren’t.
Is that the night the news came out about President Trump winning a court case concerning “trannies.”
That would be a reason.
Anxious to know her reaction.
Off to bed. YAWN.....
.... With such non productive lives, they are getting their jollies by getting involved in politics and activism leaning towards Socialism in an effort to ensure that they collect their promised Free Stuff that they would normally have to pay for.
.... Because of this, Unless things change, We will probably see the Nation take its final swing left.
Maybe if Fox didn’t nearly constantly ‘betray their base’ they would still dominate.
Yep. That fair and balanced stuff is past its prime. Dont want to hear the balance any more. D
Tired of the Dems. If I want to watch them I will watch MSNBC or CNN. Never.
Aberration or trend? Anyone can cook one night
Must be some mind- rotting chemical in Big Macs?
Who watches TV news anymore?
I haven’t watched Faux in a year.
Haven’t watched network news or the rest of the propaganda wing for 10 years.
I’m not. Been listening to Hannity for decades and have just about have had it with him. Rush & Levin for all their faults in the primaries now have a much better grasp of the current situation. I really think Sean is being outed as conservative for pay guy. His heart is not in attacking the GOPe even when they deserve it. Very disappointing.
Did these ‘viewership’numbers include the views earned via FoxNews shows (just about EVERY one) airing her’s and CNN clips?
That’s about all I ever see on Fox/FoxBiz, anymore (well, not since I’ve given up Fox/FoxBiz/cable news)....all of the CNN/MSPMS replays.
So absurd how Fox insists on giving these libtards any extra viewership.
Probably because Fox ratings are declining, not MSNBC gaining.
Fox deserves what they get, commentary without reason is an infomercial. When they ditch Juan Williams, Marie Barf, and others, I will take them seriously. The majority of the Fox lineup are alienated closeted Democrats praying their party wises up. Any journalist that allows unsubstantiated ludicrous comments either doesnt care or theyre sympathetic to Democrats. Ludicrous
1. 90% of media speaks well of her, and ill of her competition.
2. The anti-Trump fervor is growing; she is a reliable Trump hater.
Im not surprised. Hannity does the same show every night. The players rotate in and out but the script is a constant.
He is becoming boring. Laura and Tucker are better but they too suffer from from the fixed script problem.
Very little actual news coming from any of these guys.
There’s millions of butt hurt social justice whack-o types who are having a hard time coming to grips with the reality of the hoax. They are desperately watching Maddow as she is the one cable host who consistently holds to the fake mantra of Russia, Russia, Russia.
She’s been hyping the Manafort/Mueller activity all week, only to see him get a slap on the wrist by the judge. $50,000 fine? BWAAAAHHH!! Mueller wanted $24 MILLION! And a 20 years-off coupon was pretty nice too. Clearly the judge didn’t think Manafort was the “traitor” that Maddow is constantly saying he is. He actually had some very nice things to say about him. Narrative FAIL.