It’s amazing to see the vast numbers of illegals....EVERYWHERE!!
I have seen a huge increase, in our suburban area, over the past five years.
I told hubby that at our local HEB (somewhat high-end grocery store) that every other customer in line is an illegal. He recently went to the store with me, and saw it for himself. He couldn’t believe it. And....they pay with SNAP....aka YOUR tax $$.
They’re also receiving housing, education and Medicaid. On YOUR tax $$.
Back in the 90s, my then wife related the situation she ran into at work.
She was in a position to do work interviews for perspective employees.
One woman came in and told her the services she was getting from the federal government. My wife and I were making decent income at the time, just under $100k per years between us. This lady and her husband had considerably more income at their disposal than we did, and neither of them had a job.
It’s just shocking how lackadaisical our government is about handing out money for free.
I believe the two of them were recent immigrants. They spoke with a heavy Eastern European accent, or at least a foreign accent from that somewhere in that hemisphere.
Same thing has been happening in this city for 30 years, immigrants legal and illegal flooding this city and America.
Somalis, mexicans, nicaraguans, hondurans, middle easterns etc all getting welfare and voting for democrats/socialism.