I’m not so sure Harris and Booker weren’t in on the hoax from the beginning
You would think that after the Covington boys disaster that the idiots in the media would stop believing hoaxes like this.
But then again the media is the very ones who are making up these lies and publishing all this fake news. So they only have themselves to blame.
There is no one to identify as a victim so they cannot be sued. But the mainstream media must have known that this story was a total concoction. What ridiculous idiot would say something as stupid as “This is MAGA country”?
So-called journalists wouldn’t get burned so badly if they did investigative work, gathered facts, and published established truths.
But they insist on persuading everyone that OrangeManBad and all white folks be racist.
Wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out Smollett sent himself the letter too.
Gee, how come everyone else in the country could immediately see it was a hoax?
The fools were Jussied. ROTFL.
Showed the world how absolutely basically STUPID the dummocrap candidates are, how they rush to judgement without all the facts at hand, how they throw around ugly racial phrases-—all of which should eliminate them immediately for consideration for any office above garbageman.
Meanwhile, gay, black men are magically dying at Dem donor Ed Bucks place and nothing has happened to him.
Heh, we all know they are fools. They play themselves.
The big problem is that they are supported 100% by our low-T, corrupt, and totally ill-educated MSM.
Lets wrap this Freepathon up, Folks!
To those in Congress who dont feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime I urge you to pay attention,
When was the last time anyone was lynched in the US, Was it Emmet Till in 1959? Why do I get the impression that these
pandering politicians want to legislate for the past. We have more serious problems on our hands than these two idiots wasting time and money to show their disapproval for a crime that occurs once every 60 years if at all. It’s still punishable as murder
Smollett continues to insists two innocent white men should go to prison.
Wouldn’t beating off two guys just be a typical weekend for Jussie?
The media and the left (one in the same) think we are stupid. They still can’t grasp they lost both the vehicle and narrative for their propaganda.
I hope they keep it up..
How did they get burned they all still have their cushy jobs.
I love looking at the long, long list of people they are suing, more than the (alleged) news outlets, but individuals including Elizabeth Warren and Ihlan Omar. May they all go down in flames.