“Regerts”? Give ‘em a snickers.
So they remodeled instead of repairing serious termite and water damage.
His life as a woman all amounted to an attempt to escape reality.
That is what the whole “transgender” movement is all about.
Making the rest of us indulge these sick people’s delusions.
Hey! Wait!
Don't all of the Trans suicides count as "Regretters"?
Prayers for these people.
Look for these poor people to be vilified by the pinkos who run the so-called “entertainment” industry and the pinkos who run the so-called “news” media.
The number one topic on Trans sites is killing themselves.
The second is how to not look like a guy.
10 years from now this is all going to go bad...really bad
I know an American Airline pilot that went from hairiest dude ever to short fat big boobed dude-looking chick. Creepiest thing I ever saw.
I wouldnt want him piloting my flight when he totally flipped his switch.
Oh yeah he was married with kids when he did it.
Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Which begs the question: What did Frank mean by “byway”?
They will be hated and discriminated against by the Left.
Bookmark for later.
Transgenderism is a form of destructive delusion.
Doctors who perform such procedures are guilty of malpractice.
Its never to late..but this is cutting it as close as one can.
Classic case of chasing symptoms instead of getting down to the root-cause.
Post this on Facebook and see it be banned in about 5 seconds.
Don't put a 5 incher back on me give a me a 10. :)
That must really have sucked when they first thought “I wish I hadn’t cut off my...”
I’m sure someone is already working to ban this as hate speech and transphobia.
Who is paying for all these mutilations - Obamacare?
I refuse to describe them as ‘medical procedures.
Gd bless this guy and the person writing this article.
This all needs to be said.
We need to love people with gender dysphoria. We need to allow them to be themselves, and help them psychologically live happy lives even if their brains dont match the genders of their bodies. Blind people need to feel comfortable in life with their difference and so do people with all differences, including those with gender dysphoria.
We should not present to them ONLY ONE REALLY SIMPLISTIC AND HORRIBLY INVASIVE treatment. Better to just let them be. If Jimmy wants to be called Jenny, fine. But he needs to know he is a boy even though he feels like a girl, and he will need to grow more and more comfortable with his difference as he grows up. Like any other kid with a special need. Life is harder but it can still be good.