Petty and bitter to the end.
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To: yesthatjallen
It’s now 53-47.
It’s probably a why bother tactic, until he’s gone in January.
2 posted on
11/28/2018 4:49:00 PM PST by
(What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death by cults.)
To: yesthatjallen
Flake wasting time and running out the clock. I can only assume doormat McConnell approves because he has not knee capped Flake. Can you imagine a Democrat pulling a stunt like this? Not in a million years.
3 posted on
11/28/2018 4:49:30 PM PST by
To: yesthatjallen
Expel the flake from the committee.
4 posted on
11/28/2018 4:50:13 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
(Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!)
To: yesthatjallen
What a loser. And this idiot thinks he has a shot at 2020. He’ll get the McCain treatment from the media in the primary and then if by some fluke he gets the nomination, they’ll turn on him like jackels.
5 posted on
11/28/2018 4:50:34 PM PST by
To: yesthatjallen
I hate this mother #$@#$er.
But won’t it be easier when we have 53 Rs in January?
6 posted on
11/28/2018 4:50:57 PM PST by
(The Left should know if.. Trump is kicked out of office, it is WAR!)
To: yesthatjallen
9 posted on
11/28/2018 4:52:31 PM PST by
(FUBO and the donkey you rode in on)
To: yesthatjallen
Bush League Republicans must become extinct before the Republic does.
10 posted on
11/28/2018 4:52:49 PM PST by
(Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here of Citizen Parents__Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
To: yesthatjallen
Can’t grassley and McConnell simply replace flake?
11 posted on
11/28/2018 4:53:42 PM PST by
(Truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth.)
To: yesthatjallen
Give him his crazy Mueller thing in exchange for moving judges forward then immediately after that is accomplished vote to rescind on the basis of unconstitutionality.
To: yesthatjallen
13 posted on
11/28/2018 4:54:04 PM PST by
gov_bean_ counter
(Ruth Bader Ginsburg doctor is a taxidermist.)
To: yesthatjallen
To: yesthatjallen
The people of AZ should be piling on Flake demanding that he remove his opposition and vote to get these nominees out of committee to the floor for confirmation. We need those judges now before the demon-rats take over. He’s blackmailing the entire Senate by his actions and he should be reminded by his constituents that they will not forget it when he seeks to run in 2020 for president...
Don’t forget - Flake is flaky come 2020!!!!
To: yesthatjallen
Can anyone think of ANY political hack sporting a more appropriate name than Flake??????????????
what an A-hole jerk!
Thank Heaven he’s on his way OUT, at loooooooooong last!
21 posted on
11/28/2018 4:58:02 PM PST by
("Politicians aren't born, they're excreted." -Marcus Tillius Cicero (3 BCE))
To: yesthatjallen
Wait til next year when Flake is gone.
23 posted on
11/28/2018 4:59:08 PM PST by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: yesthatjallen
"Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who has vowed to oppose all court picks until he gets a vote on legislation protecting special counsel Robert Mueller."
Senator Grassley, don't compromise on that issue. Time is on our side, and you'll get the needed majority soon enough!
24 posted on
11/28/2018 4:59:20 PM PST by
("Welcome to Costco. I love you." - -Costco greeter in the movie, "Idiocracy")
To: yesthatjallen
Flake is and has been a vindictive sorry excuse for a senator his entire term.
He should have his butt thrown off the committee right now.
27 posted on
11/28/2018 5:02:15 PM PST by
(Have You Donated to Keep Free Republic Up and Running?)
To: yesthatjallen
Someone here tried to convince me that Flake was mostly conservative and got a bad rap, that he'd be reliable on judges.
I hope that Freeper has learned that RINOs who lie about being tea party guys just to get elected can't be trusted to be faithful in any aspect of their political dealings. In fact, RINOs in general can't be counted on to ever do the right thing.
In Jeff Flake's case, he can always be counted n to do the wrong thing.
28 posted on
11/28/2018 5:03:24 PM PST by
(Often wrong, but never in doubt!)
To: yesthatjallen
Kind of reminds you of the guy in the movie “Die Hard” who starts to sing like a bird to Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) in the later part and nearly screws up John McClane’s efforts in resisting the terrorists.
29 posted on
11/28/2018 5:04:02 PM PST by
("The Gardens was founded by men-sportsmen-who fought for their country" Conn Smythe, 1966)
To: yesthatjallen
When will we be rid of this ass?
30 posted on
11/28/2018 5:04:17 PM PST by
(I always try to maximize my carbon footprint.)
To: yesthatjallen
I recall POTUS saying during the 2016 debates, that every politician ought to wear big buttons showing his biggest donors, who own them.
I wonder who owns Flake? Same people who owned McCain and all the other traitors....
36 posted on
11/28/2018 5:07:58 PM PST by
(How to interpret The Revelation:
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