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Not too soon to think about this. I am concerned common sense has departed the suburbs, Texas, Florida and a few other spots that looked strong.
1 posted on 11/12/2018 4:45:58 PM PST by chiller
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To: chiller

Makes me glad I’m on the tail end of my life.

79 posted on 11/12/2018 5:24:12 PM PST by mass55th (Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
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To: chiller

If we had elected Trump in 1988 instead of GHW Bush we might have stopped the theft of our country.
We are now over 30 million illegal aliens down the road to becoming North Mexico.
We have been fighting off amnesty attempt after amnesty attempt.
BOTH parties have been preventing US from stopping the invasion.
The election of Trump is the absolute last chance.
Build the wall, deport them all.
If we fail, we lose our country.

85 posted on 11/12/2018 5:26:06 PM PST by Lurkinanloomin (Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here of Citizen Parents__Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
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To: chiller
.... Once the Electoral College and what is left of Constitutional Law are done away with .... We will be run by European Style Socialist Elites with all politics controlled by the same. The new and subsequent crops of Socialist Infused ATIFA influenced Useful Idiot operatives emerging from our High School and College/University Campuses will all but ensure that this happens.

..... Sadly .... It appears that Common Sense and understanding the concepts of "Cause and Effect" and "Responsibility for your Actions" has now been bred out of the succeeding generations that will be the next up to take the helm of this Nation.

..... The promise of cool "Guaranteed Free Stuff" is rather hard to fight against with the argument that "Success is garnered through Hard Work and Dedication."

87 posted on 11/12/2018 5:26:18 PM PST by R_Kangel ("A nation of sheep will beget a nation ruled by wolves")
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To: chiller
Trump needs a little protege - a sidekick to train in the master's ways. It's not Pence and its not any of his kids or inlaws.

He needs to recruit a Navy Seal, business man, rock star, ladies man, entrepeneur astronaut and teach him all the tricks to make journalosers cry.

100 posted on 11/12/2018 5:34:40 PM PST by dead (Give everyone in the migrant horde lawnmowers and Mexico will have beautiful grass.)
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To: chiller

There are days, like today, when I’m glad I’m old.

104 posted on 11/12/2018 5:38:34 PM PST by upchuck (Congress is an assisted living facility for the mentally impaired... h/t Truth29)
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To: chiller

But the Republican bench is thin. Who is the heir apparent?

Well, news at 11:00 - the RAT bench is even THINNER. Who do they have who’s not a raving moonbat or pushing 80?

107 posted on 11/12/2018 5:40:15 PM PST by Pravious
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To: chiller

“I am concerned common sense has departed the suburbs, Texas, Florida and a few other spots that looked strong. “

Pretty sure that’s the gift of massive 3rd world immigration.

108 posted on 11/12/2018 5:41:58 PM PST by Pelham (Secure Voter ID. Mexico has it, because unlike us they take voting seriously)
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To: chiller

He either will be or he won’t be. There are no other possibilities.

112 posted on 11/12/2018 5:44:13 PM PST by Tax-chick ("Kindness and truth shall meet." Ps. 85:10)
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To: chiller

Actually, it wasn’t too long ago that a similiar question was posed about the Democrats, soon after the 2016.

121 posted on 11/12/2018 5:48:56 PM PST by Toespi
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To: chiller

What a pile of bull crap

Trump is saving the republican party

The Republican party will survive, it always has

No one is born a Republican or Democrat, people change over time, evolve. Sure more 18 year olds are “liberals” or “leftists” is because that is all they know, mom and dad paid for the house, food, groceries, bills, etc, so they go to college and learn more leftism. But most outgrow it and become republican/conservative/right of center. The problem I see with republicans is that we don’t define ourselves, we let the media do that, President Trump has started doing this and it has helped.

Winning isn’t easy, leftist ridicule is expected, they don’t understand, some never will because they live in a simple hypocritical world. We will have many republican presidents after Trump and we will win back the house, and gain more senators. Nothing is forever.

128 posted on 11/12/2018 5:53:29 PM PST by Trump.Deplorable
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To: chiller
The GOP is hamstrung by the GOPe/"moderate" wing of the party. There is no way for this party to unify because the incompetent GOPe boobs want it their way or the highway. As long as they are lining their pockets and thrown a few crumbs by the Dems, the GOPe could care less what happens to this country. To have any chance of getting this country headed in the right direction, conservatives must first win the battle for control of the GOP.

As for Trump, I thought he would be a shoo-in for a second term, but after this election cycle, I'm not so sure of that. Again, the GOPe seems content to lose, so they may well join hands with the Dems to defeat him.

134 posted on 11/12/2018 5:59:10 PM PST by Major Matt Mason (Any lover of big government is an enemy of freedom.)
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To: chiller
When I was 20 and had flunked out of college, I worked as an apprentice/helper building an Olympic sized swimming pool. It was my job to push the wheelbarrow full of concrete to the men putting it on the sides of the pool. The owner of the pool company was well known for never hiring thieves but he would hire killers released from prison. One day at lunch somebody asked why one of the murderers had killed the other guy in the bar. His simple reply was "he needed killing." So the answer to the question is yes, unless a solution is found as simple as that.We are getting to old to be sent to Socialist reeducation camps.
137 posted on 11/12/2018 6:01:02 PM PST by higgmeister ( In the Shadow of The Big Chicken)
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To: chiller

The only way to stop this is by stopping immigration, deporting all illegals and a complete overhaul of the voting process to prevent fraud.

139 posted on 11/12/2018 6:03:40 PM PST by EdnaMode
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To: chiller

No, assuming the next recession starts under a democrat.

141 posted on 11/12/2018 6:04:22 PM PST by guitar Josh
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To: chiller
I was thinking... There is one heck of a lot of Mexicans in the southwest, and more coming in every day... Those Mexicans ain't our friend. They do hate the "gringos.." What if they decided they wanted their own political party.? Or just used the ones they already have in Mexico.. The PRI, the PRD or the PAN. And why wouldn't they.?? I don't think there's any laws against it. I mean we have the commie party, green party and lot more such as those. why not the Mexican party.?? The dimocraps, and all of American as far as that goes, could end up with nothing in the southwest and the west coast but one hell of a giant welfare debt..

And ALL speeches on the floor's of congress would be mandated to be given in Spanish as well English.. :)

142 posted on 11/12/2018 6:05:27 PM PST by unread (Joe McCarthy was right.......)
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To: chiller

The only way we stop it is if the Walk Away movement really gains steam. Suppose the black vote goes up to 25% and the Hispanic vote is 35-40%, we still have a shot. Given the demographics, we’re done if the current percentages continue.

146 posted on 11/12/2018 6:06:26 PM PST by dixie1202
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To: chiller

The dems were overconfident about 2016 and didn’t have the fraud machine in place.

Oh, they tried, but it was too little too late.

They won’t make the same mistake this time.

They will be well prepared with the fraud machine to guarantee Trump will not win another term.

147 posted on 11/12/2018 6:07:58 PM PST by metmom ( ...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith......)
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To: chiller

Don’t buy into all the doom and gloom, folks. The author cites demeanor, demographics, and deception as the reasons for his predictions. Demographics was the first justification RINOs and surrender monkeys tried to use to push ‘moderate’ Republicans on us. We were told a strong borders candidate could never win because those supporting strong borders were a dwindling minority because of demographics. We were told we had to nominate a Republican moderate like Rubio because of demographics.

When Trump announced his candidacy, the second ‘D’, demeanor, was trotted out. We spent a year being told that a straight talking candidate who defended himself, defended his base, and defended his country, and was willing and ready to fight back, was unelectable.

Now the third ‘D’, deception, is subtle because is argues that the deception from the media and the left that we all know exists, can’t be defeated. This is the one that is the easiest one for patriots to fall prey to. We heard it when RINO’s told us it wasn’t their fault that they were unable to stop Obama because, you know they only had Congress and couldn’t do anything. It wasn’t their fault they told us, because they needed the presidency. If they had gotten a RINO like Jeb or Rubio elected, they would have trotted out another excuse for their collaboration with the left.

In closing, don’t buy into the doom and gloom BS. POTUS is cut from a different cloth from the politicians we’ve grown used to. Does anybody really think POTUS went into the midterms with no plan to deal with election fraud? Look at his unlikely election, against all the odds, if you need proof that POTUS doesn’t leave things to chance and is smarter than his opponents, and check out his tweets leading up to the election regarding election fraud. The POTUS counter strike is very near and he has many weapons in his arsenal ready to be used.

150 posted on 11/12/2018 6:09:48 PM PST by mbrfl
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To: chiller

All sorts of folks have told me Trump is not a conservative or a Republican

The Republican Party has lousy messaging. They are still lost in their country club cycle

151 posted on 11/12/2018 6:09:57 PM PST by Nifster (I see puppy dogs in the clouds)
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To: chiller

I certainly hope not.

Republicans need to wake up and stop the illegal shenanigans of the Democrats.

153 posted on 11/12/2018 6:12:00 PM PST by Innovative
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