Near the core of John Birch Society opposition to an Article V Convention of the States is mistrust of the American people. Dig further and one cannot avoid the conclusion that JBS opposes the essence of republicanism, the right of all peoples to determine the structure and boundaries of their government. While JBS has no apparent problem with the exercise of the peoples electoral capacity at polling places every two years, they curiously stand athwart the exercise of the peoples sovereign capacity via their states to frame their government.
I tell you what - if the Convention of States happens - and they ONLY do what the Convention of States is (supposedly) called to do - the limited job of addressing the couple of things supposedly listed - and all is well at the end, I will gladly post an admission of my error with an apology to thinking less of those who supported the Convention.
You and the rest of those who support the Convention are willing to do the same if the Convention goes awry...