If the innocent suffer it's all for the greater good.
>>Brett Kavanagh (@Brett_Kavanagh) October 6, 2018 Dude, it was literally like a machine gun, Kavanagh told the Courier Journal. It was like my phone caught a virus. It was constantly vibrating.
If that phone was in your pocket the whole time you can call out the Left for unwanted sexual assault.
How queer that the bent of the article is that they only found people who had “controversial” names tied to issues on “the right” (and Trump’s lawyer isn’t even on the right).
This is a time to use your middle name as your first for a while, or give yourself a ‘business name’.
I’ll bet some recipients of his phone calls were shocked.
“What did you say your name was?”.
Today’s cell phones don’t have a separate receiver that can be slammed back into the cradle. That’s one thing I miss when I’m speaking to someone who deserves to be hung up on with a resounding SLAM! in the ear. There is probably an APP for that.
Wow, I’ll bet it’s almost as bad as being named Adolph Hitler.
The Louisville Courier-Journai has been a left wing paper for as long as I can remember it and that goes back to the mid 50s.
Years ago, fresh out of college and renting a floor of a 2-family, upstairs a “John Kennedy” lived with his mother. The guy could not be any more opposite of JFK. He was an uneducated unemployed zero. He joined the Marines, and hated it. Don’t know what happened to him, or if he even got thru initial training.
Back in the 1990s, Al Nino of San Jose, CA used to get a lot of angry calls for causing all the rain.
Here’s a list of sympathetic twitter respondents.
Steve Bannon
Bruce Y Lee
Michael Jackson
James Carter
Matt Lauer
James Brown
Alex Jones
Susan Collins
Kevin McCarthy
Thomas Edison
Robert Meuller
Tim Burton