FAKE NEWS, just reported by a senator on Fox it was no more than 30 pages long!!!
I read that 950 pages deal exclusively with ice cubes
It’s a thousand pages, give or take a few.
I’ll be writing more in a week or two.
I could make it longer if you like the style.
I can change it ‘round,
And I want to be a paperback writer,
Paperback writer.
- The Beatles
I couldn't finish writing the word, because it's not complete.
Maybe the other 970 pages deal with how the Democrats Manufactured this crap.
So, when the Democrats say it’s “incomplete,” they’re lying as usual.
You have to vote on it before you can read it...
The fact that not ONE democrat will change their minds proves that this was just a delaying tactic.
But the Dims say.....”Its not long enough! They didn’t interview Kavanaugh’s high school English teacher! They didn’t interview Blasey-Ford’s mother! They didn’t find out where that ice came from! Or what brand of beer that was! AAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!”
Everything we’ve heard is it isn’t very long. More fake news from lying CNN.
If it took a 1000 pages, obviously...Kavanaugh is guilty.
One of the top ten best things about Trump is that he publicly and strongly pounds CNN for what it is - fake biased news.
Could someone explain why this FBI report is secret? It obviously has nothing to do with national security. I think if the public could hear the testimony and accusations, they should also be allowed to view the report that investigates the integrity of what we already have seen. Why the secrecy?
I’d be willing to be there is an executive summary page or two.
From what Ive heard on the news, the report consists of interviews with those who Ford suggested have first-hand personal knowledge of the incident from the time it supposedly occurred, or who might have heard of it at the time. Schumer, Feinstein, and Fords counsel complain that the investigation is incomplete because the FBI didnt interview her husband, the polygraph examiner, and others who cannot speak either about what happened or the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident from their own knowledge. The attorneys, at least, should know better. The FBI did a professional job in excluding those people. None of their testimony would be in anyway relevant to the question of whether the assault took place or not, and I doubt that any of them would be allowed to testify if this were a trial.
Sorry to be negative, but that Hirono woman needs a trip on the Loretta Fuddy float plane.
999 pages were instructions on drinking games...
Hey Democrats - He's going to destroy your world from the SUPREME COURT!
CNN already received their copy?
Will they demand a delay of the vote to be able to “read” the report?
VOTE tomorrow!