OK!! Everybody pay attention!
Lesson for today:
1. The sun is 1,300,000 times as big as the earth.
2. The sun is a giant nuclear furnace that controls the climates of all its planets.
3. The earth is one of the suns planets.
4. The earth is a speck in comparison to the size of the sun.
5. Inhabitants of the earth are less than specks.
Study Question: How do less-than-specks in congress plan to control the sun?
Does it just seem like it because they are posted here every day, or has the sheer volume of these kind of stories increased by an order of magnitude since Trump threatens to shut down their free taxpayer money spigots
Oh canaDUH, oh canaDUH!
What’s the weather going to be like this weekend?
(not you Oldeguy- the idiot author)
“A (Not Quite) Complete List Of Things Supposedly
Caused By Global Warming”
Is there ANYTHING climate change can’t do?
Man, talk about reaching.
This is all about forwarding the meme to condition the public regarding this hoax.
Is this they’re way of saying climate change will cause people to piss and crap more?
“Climate change likely to cause more sewage leaks, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna warns/”
You are leaking raw bull shit Cathy.....get a life.
Well, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, you Canucks need to adapt and increase your sewage capacities, because no matter what man does, the globe is going to either heat or cool or have severe storms or unusually calm seasons as God sees fit.
I blame climate change for the reason I can never win the Power Ball.
Climate change causes people to eat more burritos?
Hmmm, did the engineers for those systems take into account mass immigration?
Climate change has replaced GWBush as the catchall cause for everything. It’s as if - if it’s bad, blame climate change.
When I moved to the DC area, I was amazed at how many communities have connected sewage and storm drains. I can understand problems arising from a flood at the location of a sewage plant, but who would intentionally funnel rain runoff into the sewer plant?
the greatest sewage leak is out of her mouth.
I have a prediction: Climate Change will cause more and more ignorant and poorly educated leftists to believe in obvious hoaxes and crap science.