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Omarosa says she will provide Mueller with tapes if he needs them
dailymail ^
Posted on 08/14/2018 12:42:43 PM PDT by janetjanet998
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To: janetjanet998
“I’m going to blow the whistle on all of it”.... if you just buy my book for $59.95!!!
To: janetjanet998
I give Mulehead no more than 1 hour working with that agressive,
ugly, nasty B***h before he realizes it isn’t worth the trouble.
posted on
08/14/2018 1:33:16 PM PDT
("Trust Sessions" Yeah Right!)
To: janetjanet998
She was a glorified coffee fetcher.
To: JamesP81
I disagree. Mule will try any avenue.
posted on
08/14/2018 1:46:59 PM PDT
Pearls Before Swine
("It's always a party when you're eating the seed corn.")
To: janetjanet998
Let them both share a cell.
posted on
08/14/2018 1:47:23 PM PDT
(CDC site, "We don't know how people are infected with Ebola.")
To: subterfuge
I didn’t know about hiLIARy hacked emails. Only DNC and John Podesta’s.
posted on
08/14/2018 2:03:25 PM PDT
To: janetjanet998
Why? About what?
This whole investigation is absurd. Truly a witch hunt.
posted on
08/14/2018 2:06:49 PM PDT
(FReeping since 1998 ... drain the swamp.)
To: janetjanet998
Maybe she can team up with Stormy Daniels and do a two-girl strip club act to get cheap publicity?
posted on
08/14/2018 2:07:29 PM PDT
( Dan Rather was discharged as "medically unfit" on May 11, 1954.)
To: cuban leaf
She is using the word that Giuliani and the President use for “recording.” That is odd, as if she was in conversation with them.
I am still not sure of the side she is on. Then sanity hits and I decide she is a major backstabber.
posted on
08/14/2018 2:16:16 PM PDT
(Pray for President Trump, his family and Devin Nunes)
To: Slyfox
So, she taped everybody and everything since she got her job at the White House after having to sign a non-disclosure agreement?The thing I find amazing is that the only security check for recording devices in the White House is "trusting somebody's word". How did no one know she was doing this?
posted on
08/14/2018 2:24:59 PM PDT
(Time to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US!)
To: janetjanet998
Perhaps Peter Strzok gave Omarosa those recordings. Notice the timing of his firing! This means Mueller already has the recordings.
posted on
08/14/2018 2:30:05 PM PDT
(Get off my back for my usage of CAPS, especially you snowflake males! MAN UP!)
To: janetjanet998
Let this witch snuggle up to Moosejaw.
They deserve each other.
posted on
08/14/2018 2:59:55 PM PDT
Eric in the Ozarks
(Baseball players, gangsters and musicians are remembered. But journalists are forgotten.)
To: CivilWarBrewing
Nah, don’t over think this. She’s a loser on her own. I doubt she has anything. She wasn’t involved in the inner circle and I’m sure nobody confided anything to her.
To: snarkytart
After much thought on this matter, I’m coming to the conclusion she was GIVEN these recordings. They are too slick and clean to have been recorded by her.
posted on
08/14/2018 4:53:31 PM PDT
(Get off my back for my usage of CAPS, especially you snowflake males! MAN UP!)
To: janetjanet998
Another example of black leadership
To: janetjanet998
Except the Hillary Clinton e-mails were not “hacked”, and were never published, until they were released by the government.
Clinton’s e-mails were DELETED, and they were government e-mails on a private unsecure e-mail server, and had classified information. None of that had anything to do with hacking.
To: janetjanet998
Evidence illegally obtained is not valid.
posted on
08/14/2018 10:31:13 PM PDT
Fai Mao
(There is no rule of law in the US until The PIAPS is executed.)
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