Trump, you magnificent bastart...
Don’t care. What about the strife in Gookland due to higher food prices due to the import tariff? Will your leader for life survive?
We were just in Nebraska. Farmers there are anticipating a loss of a lot of money in the short run. They still lean in favor of Trump, but this has them feeling nervous.
Great, now Brazilian sperm counts can drop as well. SO stupid for men to eat soy. But it’s in nearly everything these days. Have to read labels like never before.
The average age of farmers keeps advancing upwards. In 20 years their ranks members will be way past retirement age.
[They (China) will have to either absorb the increased cost,]
I’m sure their government will subsidize the difference. Either way, China is taking a substantial hit in price.
I don’t care what kind of food or goods comes from other countries...wherever it is from, soybeans to watermelons, from gloves to boots, but mostly any kind of fruit or vegetable...AMERICA MAKES IT BETTER.
That is not just an ad. it is the TRUTH.
Building materials
Cooking oil
Mechanical lubricants
Livestock feed
Paint products
Human consumption
To name a few uses for the lowly soybean.
The market will settle out.
An American official involved in the process stated flatly that Brazil did not have the output capacity to provide the beans now provided by the USA.