You’ve picked fights with at least 4 different people on this thread.
Truth be told, you did it - you started it.
You aren’t smarter than anybody here or even more clever. What you are is a an agitator, or as The Lord calls them - “Back-Biters”.
Proverbs 16:28
Proverbs 25:23
Romans 16:17-18
We’re warned to stay away from those types. And everybody would be wise to do so from you. Enjoy your weekend.....
Oh my, there couldn’t be a single good thing that you are trying to beat out of existence here. Not one.
And by the way, smartness and cleverness has nothing to do with it. If you think it does, you confess that you come in at the worldly level.
I’ve seen hell and I’ve seen heaven and I’ve seen heaven carry me through hell. And not in a little “perturbations in the American dream” way. I mean in an “all in, spent the whole wad and then some, despaired, then watched the reward keep unfolding” way.
So enjoy your eternity.