I know that Woopie had a pretty difficult life for a while there.
Now as I look back, I realize that from time to time I have run across a sweet looking young Black woman, that appears to have Whoopie’s youthful features. They are slim, cute, and it makes you sort of happy to see them.
Whatever made Woopie’s youth tough on her, it’s unfortunate. I do believe picking up a belief system can be empowering. It looks as if the Leftist views of the Democrat party did serve to empower her.
I don’t mind that so much, as the fact that as she grew older, she didn’t at some point see how the Left failed her and others like her. More to the point, she didn’t see how it actually abused her with false promises and false hope.
All the fame and fortune Whoopie has attained, it was at the hand of a Capitalist. The Left hates Capitalism. The Left never provided anything for her. It merely told her it did. If she thinks about it, she’ll know that’s true.
Whoopie, cast of the chains of your bondage to the ideology that talks down well to do people, and the free market economy.
Join the civilized world.
She’s always been colored but the politicians got to her and she became black