Back to the rise of the monopolies in the ever cyclical world of business and law.
Monopolies=Easier for the government to control.
simple fix:
Make ownership of stock in any corporation legal only for living, breathing human beings and then limit their percentage of ownership to no more than 1.5%
if you want own a business outright, start one from the ground up.
AT&T puts itself back together like the Terminator T-2000......................
Judge Harold Greene is rolling over in his grave.
look what google, youtube, FB and twitter are doing to conservative speech. No one in DC gives a rat’s patootie.
Oh please. That may happen, but not via this.
Given that all of Time Warners content is only a few percent of the content out there, any significant attempt to restrict sales would just be replaced by other existing and new content - possibly within hours. The anti-trust argument here isnt just weak, or even meet the threshold of ridiculous. Its simply asinine.
The tail here is sooo much bigger than the head - especially with several years of the internets existence. There is more non- TW content that youd want to watch than youd ever have time to do so.