I’ll bet those three were really enjoying the fresh air!
It was an odd storm that had lightning but no thunder! I thought they always went together. Glad you got the shots...you’ve waited a long time for the chance!
I guess I’ll go now. 7:30am was waaaaaay too early for this night owl. See ya tomorrow night!
Good night, Luv, and rest well.
We’ve been letting the outside cats go out for a week or so now. Hubby hasn’t seen the bobcat for quite a while so we figured it would be safe. They do enjoy being outside, that’s for sure.
It really was odd that there wasn’t any thunder with all the lightning those clouds were spitting out. It wasn’t that the lightning was too far away. It wasn’t. Not sure what that was all about.
I can understand the winds going out of your sails. Happened to me last night after getting up so early. LOL
Good night and sleep well.