According to an article that I just read, April 24 is commemorated yearly as the memorial day for the Armenian Genocide. Minassian sounds like an Armenian name and another post states that his Facebook page states he is from Aleppo, Syria. Under Assad, Armenians were protected but we’re attacked by ISIS/alQueda.
The picture from post 208, of the money exchange looks to have Arabic writing, is on Poyntz of Yonge just south of Sheppard Ave., where much of the attack happened. Could this be an Arab (mohamedan) neighbourhood? The US backed the ‘rebels’, aka alQueda, fighting Assad, aka Iran and Russia, which would explain the anti-US attitude by Minassian, noted in post 169.
Some speculation here. Is it possible that a young Armenian who perhaps lost family in Aleppo, to ISIS (aka American proxies in Syria), decided to avenge his losses of family on the commemoration day (day before) of the Armenian Genocide, against mohamedans, the religion of those who committed the genocide and hurt him?
Interesting observations. Sounds very plausible to me.
Will be interesting to see of your angle pans out.