“Any political movement that tells you that you are a victim should be suspect.”
This is very true. I often think of people I’ve known - people who seem trapped in poverty or bad relationships, or Black people convinced that racism is keeping them down, etc. - who have fallen into this trap.
Of course there have been injustices, and still are; of course there are things to be angry about. But dwelling on the injustice and continuing in anger over it isn’t HEALTHY for a person. On a deep level, they are accepting all sorts of assumptions, spoken and unspoken, that just drag them down.
You become what you dwell upon consistently and with conviction; you live in conditions you’ve mentally and emotionally created for yourself.
The evil comes with failing to take our troubles to the Lord. If we just take them to secular humanity, we might get sympathy but no redemption story to invest them in.
Shaming the word “victim” out of discourse is but one more proud perversity with no acknowledgment of a Victor from Heaven.
Im mocking victimhood.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Always casting oneself as a “victim” in this world of impermanence is like having a bleating sheep staked as bait for predators. It has that pattern of karma.
It is un-American. If one happens to have been assaulted, train in becoming a warrior. It’s the American way. Don’t gather into a herd of bleaters. It just does not work, In the long run you will have to face another predator aggressor. All the bleating in the world won’t help you.
Get some skills. You’ll be glad you did . You will be able to protect yourself and those you love, instead of being a victim, become a skilled protector with a huge heart.Then you will have become a great American. Then Make America Great Again!
Many years ago I worked for a small non profit in San Diego. I was the only woman in management. The day of my interview I arrived early and had to sit and listen to a crazy receptionist wearing a halter top with her boobs hanvgng and who proceeded to tell me that a) she was hungover from last night and b) she had a sexual harassment suit against the boss. She was so nutty I just ignored it. She was gone by the time I was hired. After working there for several months I learned they spent a lot of money on an investigation before they were able ot let her go. I also noticed that during staff meetings everyone seemed a tad nervous. During one of those meetings, probably after I had been there a month or so, the boss started talking about harassment policies. I stopped and said, “Is this because of that reception, because let me tell you, she was a nut! I could feel the sense of relief. This #METOO thing is setting woman back decades and the more they scream the worse it’s going to be for them. I stand with Tony Robbins. We have to stop the left from destroying people lives and reputations. For the first time in my life, I am seriously fearful for this Country.
Not sure exactly why...
Glad I read This post.
The other day I was asked to take one of the girls in the office with me to collect lunch for everybody and I replied “Nope. Too easy for something to be alleged that didn’t happen.
I don’t take female colleagues alone in a car anywhere. “
I was ridiculed.
Eff em.
I knew Global Warming was a scam when politicians (particularly Al Gore) jumped on board
I knew #metoo was a scam when Hillary Clinton tried to claim it as her own
Tony Robbins made an ass out of himself when he promoted Tookie Williams.
I am a married man, funny as hell...I avoid being alone with women - it is just good sense. A few minutes, we are laughing together and the pheromones fill the air. It’s a cruel trick on the part of God.
The result will be to create a competitive advantage to unattractive women.
It ties in with Rush's observation that "feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society."