Posted on 03/28/2018 1:42:54 PM PDT by Enlightened1
Great but how long will it take for resolution? Will it happen in before November 2018 election?
What took the A.G. so long?
Yep. It’s all theater. When guys like Gowdy are still giving aid and comfort to the hopelessly conflicted of interested Mueller you know the fix is in. The Mueller soft coup will continue and there is really nothing else that matter. Stuff like this is red meat for the base. That’s it, unfortunately.
SunPants is hat color blind.
It only means Useless Sessions has finally made the decision to show the middle finger to the oversight committees which recommended a second independent counsel, the only one with real investigation power and not populated by swampers.
Let’s not delude ourselves. The investigative committee are little more than beltway theater, unfortunately. The real power is with leadership. And Ryan and McConnell have no intention of ever engaging the Dems in support of POTUS. It’s all theater. They fully support the Mueller soft coup because it hamstrings Trump and MAGA.
Inspect the freaking idiot judges...disbarment seems appropriate
I don't see any evidence that Sessions has anything to do with this.
In fact, he can't, due to the legal constraints he placed upon himself when he recused.
Huh? Where do you see that Sessions had anything to do with this?
Several Senators have warned Trump that they would work to impeach him for obstruction if he dares to fire Sessions.
Ironically, it's the Deep Swamp itself, that is committing obstruction.
Nope, and that has been the game plan all along.
“Several Senators have warned Trump that they would work to impeach him for obstruction if he dares to fire Sessions. “
No, not anonymous at all. Without back tracking and researching links, I can say for a fact, that Lindsey Graham is on that list. He's even said it more than once. There are others, but I didn't commit their names to memory.
I doubt someone (who counts) would ever like to save Sessions sore ass, you probably meant Mueller instead.
Nope. Definitely Sessions. Makes sense, too, if you look at the obvious. Sessions legally constrained himself from investigating any of the coup plotters, then refused to resign, thus ensuring that the office of AG was effectively neutered.
It was a brilliant play by the Deep State.
Wheels of justice turn slowly, and all that. This guy’s an Obama holdover, so expect a whitewash. But he might be an anomaly, an honest Obama holdover who’s genuinely interested in justice.
The IG of the DOJ cannot indict anyone. What is needed is a dedicated prosecutor and a grand jury.
This is just more wool gathering crap to avoid wqholesale accountability, and at the end perhaps a scapegoat will be offered. This solves nothing.
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